The dress

Grandma told me stories, but mother wrote hers down. Here’s another one.

Without a doubt, mothers are needed at home when there are young ones. Best things are not always possible, so mothers and others often must settle for less. Sometimes it works out happily.

Daughter was in the rapid-growth stage. She needed a dress for the times when slacks or shorts-her favorite costume-would not do. Other years Mother would have remedied the situation with a few hours at the sewing machine. This year Mother was getting her “smarts” while often wondering if she were losing the few she had.

Daddy being of an understanding and helpful nature, suggested that the three of them go shopping. A quick swipe with a wash rag, a hasty brushing of the hair, a double check of purse contents and they were off to the city. Hooray! At the first store-no luck. And so on down the list until Daughter was almost in tears, Mother was worn to a frazzle, and Daddy-well-Daddy was still helpful. “We’ll go home through Bluffton,” he said. “They have several stores.” Mother was cheered considerably but Daughter had reached the conclusion that no one anywhere made dresses her size in a style appropriate for her.

Soon the trio reached Bluffton, and without hesitation Daddy parked near a store that catered to young ones. Unenthusiastically, Daughter followed Mother in. A helpful clerk asked what was needed. Then she brought one-two-three-four! possibilities. Daughter liked all four and all four fit. Now the delicious decision of choosing The Dress.

When Daughter had narrowed the choice to two, Mother said, “We’ll take those.” Daughter’s eyes bugged out, “Both of them?” “Yes, Dear, you’ve earned them.” Daddy was happy, Mother was happy, and Daughter was happiest of all!

As it has done for many years, time marched on. Another summer had come and Daughter again needed a dress. And poor, old Mother was still trying to get her “smarts.” (It gets harder as one gets older.) This time it was more than “just a dress” because it was for a very special occasion. Again a trip to the city. Again nothing suitable. That is until they tried the most exclusive shop. There they found just what was needed. A vision of filmy blue. And the price tag! Wow! Mother showed it to Daddy. He didn’t blink an eye. This was a special occasion. “Try it on,” he said.

Oh, woe is me. Alas and alas. The dress fit everywhere except-oh, fly in the ointment-except one cuff. Daughter could barely squeeze her hand through. “Honey,” said the clerk, “that just is too small.” To make matters impossible the cuff had been cut much smaller than the other one. It had no seam allowance, so it could not be made larger.

Now everyone was disappointed. This time Mother suggested Bluffton but it was too near time for stores to close, she had supper to get, lessons to prepare – oh, the usual million things to do. At home, Daughter was unusually helpful until the dishes were done. Then she faded out of sight. Mother was too busy to notice. After a while Mother heard her ask, “How do I look?”

There she was in last year’s dress. Would you believe it still fit? It was a filmy yellow sheer over taffeta. Quite appropriate for the coming occasion. But best of all was what Daughter said: “This dress will be just fine; I feel good in it and I’ll get a new one some other time.”

Bless you, Daughter.

(This may or may not have influenced Daddy a few years later when he said to buy her all the material she wanted to sew. So I did and she did sew up a storm. Dresses, slacks, suits, coats. Even a dress for Mother.)

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