Thanks for the memories, Krissi

Hamilton County Clerk

If there is anything I learned this week … life is short and you better live each day to the fullest. We all know it, but I think some days we just get wrapped up in everyday living and forget what really matters in life.

That reality hit me smack in the face last Saturday night.

It started out by Perry and I going, or trying to go, to the Symphony on the Prairie, a birthday present that I would truly enjoy. But on our way there, we were stopped in a large stream of traffic at 146th Street, all trying to go south on Allisonville Road to Conner Prairie. We were frustrated and decided it wasn’t worth it, turned around and headed home.

As we arrived home, our neighbor Kathy Davis caught us to tell us that her sister-in-law, Krissi Davis, had died. We stood there a few minutes in complete shock. Like everyone else who knew Krissi, we were stunned. Less than 24 hours, I had just seen her at her brother Andy’s, pulling in our back alley to come over for dinner. How could this be?

As the week has gone on, I debated with myself what could I do. I knew the family was hurting and so many were helping in various ways. I am trying to write some memories of Noblesville High School in honor of the 150th celebration. And then I knew I had to share thoughts on what Krissi Davis, NHS Class of 1987, meant to this community.

Krissi was a remarkable person in so many ways. She had an influence on so many people throughout her sports career at Noblesville and Notre Dame.

Krissi and her brother Mike ran the family business. She was dedicated to the protection and care of animals in her work with the Humane Society.

As a member of the Elks Club, she had many friends that together they worked many various service projects for the community.

It was Krissi, the person that most found to be the greatest part. If you were with Krissi you were having a good time. Her sense of humor was so contagious. I can’t imagine her not being around. She was a quick wit, hard core, tell it like it is person … the kind of friend we all want.

If I am to find a positive point to this week, it was the many stories and Facebook posts that brought back so many memories, not only of Krissi, but the teams and the spirit and excitement in the community during 1980s when following the Lady Millers was the thing to do. Those were great times in Miller basketball history. The trips to Market Square Arena, the fire truck victory laps around the courthouse, the pep rallies after the wins, the time at the hotels waiting between the morning and the evening games. That is one of the greatest times of my life and Krissi was one of the reasons for that special time.

As we celebrate the 150th Anniversary, it is graduates like Krissi Davis that will be remembered for her contribution to NHS and the entire Noblesville community forever. Her picture as an Indiana Basketball All-star hangs on the east wall of the high school gym for all to see.

But as many have said, she will be known for more than just her athletics but also the great person she was.

As we try to work through the loss of a person like Krissi, I know God must have needed a special angel, and he couldn’t have picked a better one. My thoughts and prayers are with the entire Davis family as they work through her loss. But we all know Krissi would want us to wipe our tears, get it together and move on. It is hard, but for her we will do it.

Having said that, I am still going to miss seeing her in the neighborhood at Andy & Kathy’s for family gatherings and watching the parades go down Monument Street.

Krissi my friend, thanks for all the memories … it is something I will always treasure.