Teri Ditslear, wife of Noblesville Mayor John Ditslear and Noblesville High School graduate, intends to file her candidacy for the Noblesville School Board, which will be voted on in November, by Friday’s deadline.

“My children are Noblesville Schools graduates and my grandchildren are enrolled in Noblesville Schools,” said Ditslear. “As a parent, grandparent and active member in the community, I care deeply for our children and want them to have a positive educational experience where they feel safe, nurtured and are challenged intellectually.”
Currently, Ditslear serves on the Noblesville Diversity Committee. She also is president of Noblesville Helping Hands, which holds fundraising activities to support local organizations and non-profits.
Ditslear graduated from NHS in 1976 before earning her Bachelor of Science degree in Human Service from Saint Mary of the Woods College. Being called to serve, Ditslear also graduated from the Lutheran School of Theology (Midwest Division). She is the pastor of Roots of Life Community Church in Noblesville.
“We have strong leadership in Superintendent Beth Niedermeyer, and with the principals and teachers at our schools we are improving the educational outcomes in our students,” said Ditslear. “There is no doubt that great things are happening at Noblesville Schools, but there is the need for better support for our most vulnerable students. I am committed to helping sustain our progress and ensure that it benefits every school and every student in our community.”
Ditslear says she was driven by the opportunity to serve the community in this role because a strong school district makes the community strong. She also wants to ensure that all students are excited to attend school each day and graduates are prepared to enter the workforce.