Teri Ditslear resigns from Noblesville School Board

Applications being accepted for appointment to fill vacancy . . .

Noblesville Schools announced Wednesday that Teri Ditslear, a member of the Noblesville Schools Board of Trustees, has resigned her position effectively immediately.


“Because of unexpected personal and private circumstances, I believe that my resignation is in the best interest of the community and the school system,” said Ditslear. “I feel my contributions and effectiveness at this time do not meet the challenges that our great school system deserves. Going forward the Noblesville Schools board, administration, staff and students have my unwavering support, admiration and respect.”

School board president Carl Johnson thanked Ditslear for her service, adding that “the board wishes Teri all the best in her future endeavors.”

As required by Indiana statute, the board has 30 days in which to appoint Ditslear’s replacement. Interested and qualified members of the public who reside within the school corporation boundaries may submit their application at this link.

The deadline to apply is 10 p.m. Monday, May 20. Interviews for the vacancy will occur Thursday, May 30 and the board will vote on the selected replacement on June 4.

More information regarding school board activity can be found at noblesvilleschools.org.