Tennis: Millers, Huskies drop close duals

The Noblesville boys tennis team dropped a 3-2 match to No. 21-ranked Cathedral on Thursday.
The Millers got both of their wins in the doubles matches. No. 1 Josh Middleton and Evan Voigt won 2-6, 7-6 (7), 10-4, while No. 2 Will Graham and Jonathan Maskew were victorious 7-6 (7), 6-0. No. 3 singles Isaac Greer played a marathon match, taking his opponent to the limit before falling 10-8 in the third set super tiebreaker.

Hamilton Heights fell to Western 3-2 on Wednesday.
No. 2 singles Ben Wolfgang won his match 4-6, 6-3, 7-5, while the No. 2 doubles team of Jake Martin and Erik Malott got a 7-6 (4), 1-6, 6-4 win. No. 3 singles Tanner Maynard fell in a tough match, 7-5 in the third.
“The whole team played really well even in a loss,” said Huskies coach Wayne Rupe.
Heights hosts Lebanon on Saturday.