Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month can empower young people to have healthy relationships

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Dear Editor:

As a parent of two young adults, I’ve always understood the importance of teaching my children about healthy relationships – a lesson that often began with open conversations, listening, and the importance of treating others with dignity and respect.

These values, instilled early, formed the foundation for their friendships and relationships they have built through their school years, college, and the adult world.

February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month (TDVAM). Prevail’s focus is on empowering young people to create and maintain healthy relationships. It is an opportunity to reflect on the role we all play in shaping the next generation’s understanding of respect, communication, and boundaries.

As a parent, it was important that my children grew up knowing the difference between relationships that uplift and those that harm. Through trusted communication they learned:

  • Respect is mutual: True friendships are relationships thrive when everyone feels valued and heard.
  • Boundaries matter: Saying “no” and respecting someone else’s “no” are signs of strength and maturity.
  • Kindness is key: In every interaction, kindness fosters trust and connection.
  • It’s okay to ask to help: Whether navigating conflicts or processing emotions, reaching out is never a sign of weakness.

February and every day at Prevail, we work to equip young people with the tools they need to recognize unhealthy behaviors while fostering healthy connections. Through advocacy, education, and direct support we are helping teens build a future where respect and safety are the norm, not the exception.

I invite you to keep the conversations going this month! Follow us on social media for tips, stories, and resources that you can share with young people in your life. Thank you for standing with Prevail to shape a community where every young person can thrive in a healthy relationship. Together, we are creating a safer and healthier future for generations to come.

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to Prevail’s mission.

Tami R. Wanninger, MPA
Prevail, Inc. Executive Director