Technology is our path to prosperity

Guest Columnist

Indiana’s technology sector is booming, and we’re all reaping the benefits.

Our state is now home to nearly 120,000 technology jobs, and tech companies directly contributed $16 billion to our economy in 2023. This is in large part thanks to Indiana’s numerous incentives for tech investment, and tech companies recognizing our strong potential for growth.

To meet growing industry demand in our state, Hoosiers are launching careers in tech and taking jobs with a median wage that’s 95 percent higher than our state’s average. And the number of tech jobs is only going to grow as we advance new technologies and continue down the path to become a national hub for innovation.

Hoosiers are prepared to meet this growth head on. After all, we’re one of the top producers of tech and STEM talent. But it’s not just our tech workforce that benefits: tech helps consumers and businesses across our economy. Tech companies create and maintain free digital tools that over 332,000 Indiana small businesses depend on. Services like Yelp, Trip Advisor and Google Maps don’t just help you find a good place to eat – they’re equally important to the local restaurants that use them to attract and retain customers. These tools equip small businesses with capabilities they’d otherwise lack, and because they’re free, they also level the playing field with the much larger companies they compete with.

It’s easier than ever to start your own business, and that’s possible in large part thanks to the products and services technology companies have developed and democratized.

To continue on our path to prosperity, it’s vital that Indiana supports our local tech ecosystem to pave the way for new advancements – especially in fields like agriculture that are critical to our state’s economy. We are on the right track, but as emerging technologies grow, so does the government’s desire to scrutinize and overregulate. Instead, the best way to ensure new technologies like AI are implemented responsibly is for tech experts, business leaders, and consumers that will use AI to lead the charge.

American tech faces fierce competition from China, which threatens to seize our competitive advantage as it continues to invest in its domestic companies and gain ground. Avoiding stifling overregulation to keep pace through sustained innovation is therefore vital, not only to our economic prosperity, but for preserving our place as a global leader.

If we’re going to stay ahead of the curve, states like Indiana – where tech is booming and new applications in areas like agriculture, manufacturing, and healthcare emerge everyday – are crucial to strengthening our domestic industries and enhancing our competitive edge. We have an opportunity to lead the nation and demonstrate America’s innovative spirit, provided that state and federal officials don’t capsize us before we get there. For all the negative media we regularly see about tech, it’s important to remember that its positive influences touch nearly every aspect of our lives.

Hoosiers are ready to redefine what’s possible, if only we’re given the chance. I urge policymakers in both Indianapolis and Washington, D.C., to support our state’s growing technology industry, and to pursue pro-growth policies that will help us reach a brighter tech-driven future.

Jack Russell is the President and CEO of OneZone Chamber of Commerce.