Talk to your kids about vaping before they have a chance to start

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Dear Editor:

It’s the most wonderful time of the year … back to school! You may have sent your children back to school, but have you really checked everything off that back-to-school checklist?

Make sure you’ve checked off talking to your kids about the dangers of vaping.

Unfortunately, one out of five high school and one in 20 middle school students currently use e-cigarettes. According to the CDC, among the 3.6 million U.S. youths using e-cigarettes in 2020, more than 8 in 10 reported using flavored e-cigarettes. It’s important to talk to your child. Vaping is not just flavored water. It contains nicotine, and it’s addicting.

Here’s some tips to prevent youth from vaping:

  • Start the conversation early Share the facts. A wonderful resource is the CDC Know the Risks Parent Tip Sheet.
  • Create a trusting environment – Make sure when they come to you, they already know you will openly listen to them.
  • Look for opportunities If you pass someone vaping, take that opportunity to remind your child why they should not vape.
  • If you vape, quit Be a smoke/vape-free role model for them to look up to. Call the Quitline (1-800-784-8669) for FREE tobacco cessation resources.

Here’s some tips on how to talk to youth who are vaping:

  • Stay calm Don’t get angry. It will only make things worse. Stay relaxed and put away all electronic distractions.
  • Respectfully ask questions Ask them why they started vaping. Ask them if they understand the dangers of vaping. Try not to interrupt their responses.
  • Talk to them about advertising – Youth are shocked Tobacco Companies target them in an attempt to attract new users.
  • Respond with care – Let them know their health is important and nicotine can even train their brain to be more easily addicted to other drugs.

It’s important to give them the tools to be successful.

Make certain they are prepared and they know the harms of vaping. Let them know you support them and you’re proud they choose to be smoke and vape-free! Want to support initiatives to make Hamilton County healthier? Consider joining the Tobacco Free Hamilton County Alliance. Information can be found at

Lindsay Kusy, LMHC CCTP

Supervisor, School Based Services

Aspire Indiana Health, Inc.