SYAP President says referendum critical for continued support of community’s youth

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Dear Editor:

I will be voting “yes” on Nov. 7, in support of the referendum. I believe we have something very special in our community and it is worth protecting and investing in.

As a father of three children who went through the Sheridan school system, I’m very pleased with the level of attention each of them received. And as a grandfather, I hope my grandchildren will have the same experience. The teachers and staff really care about the students; our kids are not just a number or a stat. This is rare, our small school offers something very unique and refreshing in juxtaposition to other surrounding schools.

As a business executive, I am faced daily with the challenges of managing human capital. I am reminded how important it is to invest in the lives of our youth. Not just the basic hard skills of reading, writing, and arithmetic, but also the soft skills that are taught by observing good role models. Our school fosters an environment that empowers kids to make choices and inspires them to chase their dreams. This is exactly what our community and businesses need.

As the Sheridan Youth Assistance President and Board Member, I see some of the unfortunate needs in our community. Some of these kids need hope, they need a chance, and they just need an opportunity to show what they are really made of. Our school system is often a refuge, a stronghold of sorts for those who need help. I am so impressed with the culture of care that has been created by the staff and teachers at our schools.

Unfortunately, these extraordinary community qualities are in jeopardy due to some dramatic changes in state funding.

I hope you will join me in supporting our schools by voting “yes” on Nov. 7.

Jason Ells