Swimming: Westfield girls, Noblesville boys prevail at dual meets


The Westfield and Noblesville swim teams split a pair of dual meets last Saturday at the Millers’ pool.

The Shamrocks won the girls meet 100-85, taking seven of the 12 events. Evie Wheat was a double winner in the individual medley and butterfly races, while Kiarra Thomas also won two events: the 50 freestyle and backstroke. Laney McCulloch was first in the 500 free and Westfield won the medley and 400 free relays.

The Millers’ winners were Haddie Vohs in the 200 free, Eryn McMahon in diving, Olivia Motz in the 100 free, Exley Tricker in breaststroke and the 200 free relay.

Noblesville won the boys meet 98-82. The Millers and the ‘Rocks both won six events. Noblesville’s Joshua Naas placed first in two races, the IM and 200 free, while Brayden Wright also claimed two victories, the 50 free and backstroke. Aiden Kless won diving and the Millers won the medley relay.

Zach Welch won two events for Westfield, the 200 and 500 freestyles. Garreth Thomas was first in the butterfly, Griffin Barents Froman won the breaststroke and the Shamrocks claimed the 200 and 400 free relays.



Team scores: Westfield 100, Noblesville 85.

200 medley relay: 1. Westfield “A” (Kiarra Thomas, Nora Sperry, Evie Wheat, Maggie Alley) 1:52.42, 2. Noblesville “A” (Julia Santerre, Exley Tricker, Katie Sutton, Ellie Hayward), 1:56.03, 3. Noblesville “B” (Alli Knott, Kyra Blackwell, Mallory Mehringer, Ava Middleton) 2:00.66, 4. Westfield “B” (Ellie Hill, Carley Davis, Greta Smith, Bridget Mick) 2:04.69, 5. Noblesville “C” (Audrey Brown, Stella Cramer, Leilani Mark, Meredith Nickloy) 2:07.90, 6. Westfield “C” (Ava DeCraene, Hailey Noirot, Ellana Morse, Anna McKeown) 2:11.17.

200 freestyle: 1. Haddie Vohs (N) 1:54.61, 2. Laney McCulloch (W) 1:59.77, 3. Kate Cassidy (W) 1:59.93, 4. Olivia Motz (N) 2:02.93, 5. Gracie Alley (W) 2:04.08, 6. Anna Miller (N) 2:11.81.

200 individual medley: 1. Wheat (W) 2:14.64, 2. Sperry (W) 2:19.95, 3. Sutton (N) 2:23.45, 4. Blackwell (N) 2:24.58, 5. Hill (W) 2:28.73, 6. Cramer (N) 2:29.09.

50 freestyle: 1. Thomas (W) 25.38, 2. Mick (W) 26.49, T3. Santerre (N) 26.60; Hayward (N) 26.60, 5. Macy Brown (W) 26.96, 6. Middleton (N) 27.06.

One-meter diving: 1. Eryn McMahon (N) 247.95, 2. Addison Goodwin (W) 214.45, 3. Makenna Dammeier (W) 192.60, 4. Carly Herring (W) 104.10.

100 butterfly: 1. Wheat (W) 59.43, 2. G. Alley (W) 1:03.26, 3. Brown (W) 1:05.10, 4. Sutton (N) 1:05.99, 5. Mehringer (N) 1:09.42, 6. Knott (N) 1:09.66.

100 freestyle: Motz (N) 56.74, 2. Tricker (N) 57.15, 3. M. Alley (W) 57.67, 4. Middleton (N) 1:00.58, 5. Smith (W) 1:03.03, 6. Davis (W) 1:03.28.

500 freestyle: 1. McCulloch (W) 5:16.70, 2. Vohs (N) 5:17.71, 3. Cassidy (W) 5:24.12, 4. Nickloy (N) 5:50.26, 5. Miller (N) 5:50.58, 6. Bella McNally (W) 5:56.16.

200 freestyle relay: 1. Noblesville “A” (Vohs, Hayward, Middleton, Motz) 1:43.91, 2. Westfield “A” (M. Alley, Mick, McCulloch, Cassidy) 1:44.91, 3. Noblesville “B” (Blackwell, Knott, Mark, Nickloy) 1:47.05, 4. Westfield “B” (McKeown, Smith, Brown, G. Alley) 1:49.90, 5. Noblesville “C” (Cramer, Alexis Jackson, Norah Mathes, Miller) 1:53.66.

100 backstroke: 1. Thomas (W) 1:00.69, 2. Santerre (N) 1:01.64, 3. M. Alley (W) 1:05.04, 4. Mehringer (N) 1:07.28, 5. Knott (N) 1:07.47, 6. Hill (W) 1:08.06.

100 breaststroke: 1. Tricker (N) 1:10.83, 2. Blackwell (N) 1:12.97, 3. Sperry (W) 1:15.39, 4. Hayward (N) 1:15.80, 5. Davis (W) 1:17.51, 6. Noirot (W) 1:22.66.

400 freestyle relay: 1. Westfield “A” (Wheat, Thomas, McCulloch, Cassidy) 3:44.48, 2. Noblesville “A” (Vohs, Motz, Santerre, Tricker) 3:44.64, 3. Westfield “B” (G. Alley, Smith, Brown, Sperry) 3:58.09, 4. Noblesville “B” (Sutton, Miller, Mark, Nickloy) 4:04.21, 5. Westfield “C” (McNally, Hill, Davis, McKeown) 4:13.89, 6. Noblesville “C” (Mathes, Mehringer, Callie Otto, Lillian Wright) 4:29.72.


Team score: Noblesville 98, Westfield 82.

200 medley relay: 1. Noblesville “A” (Brayden Wright, Joshua Naas, Liam Hayward, Drew Setmeyer) 1:39.81, 2. Westfield “A” (Griffin Barents Froman, Garreth Thomas, Alex Munn, Zach Welch) 1:42.59, 3. Westfield “B” (Harrison Barents Froman, Esteban Roussel, Noah Lorincz, Henry Pham) 1:45.92, 4. Noblesville “B” (Jackson Teske, Reed Haney, KJ Gordon III, Isaiah Vohs) 1:47.64, 5. Westfield “C” (Josh Alonso, Bryce Pittman, John Obusek, JP Mikels) 2:11.84.

200 freestyle: 1. Welch (W) 1:49.01, 2. Oliver Mark (N) 1:52.62, 3. Adam Hill (N) 1:58.93, 4. Lorincz (W) 2:05.54, 5. Aiden Willig (W) 2:08.11, 6. Brady Monger (N) 2:12.16.

200 individual medley: 1. Naas (N) 2:00.00, 2. Thomas (W) 2:00.08, 3. Teske (N) 2:08.84, 4. Vohs (N) 2:11.45, 5. Roussel (W) 2:22.11, 6. Pittman (W) 2:42.39.

50 freestyle: 1. Wright (N) 23.10, 2. Setmeyer (N) 23.22, 3. G. Barents Froman (W) 23.23, 4. Pham (W) 24.38, 5. Haney (N) 25.62, 6. Jackson Burgess (W) 26.04.

One-meter diving: 1. Aiden Kless (N) 283.25, 2. Gordon III (N) 85.90.

100 butterfly: 1. Thomas (W) 54.52, 2. Hayward (N) 55.66, 3. Vohs (N) 57.67, 4. Lorincz (W) 58.52, 5. Gordon III (N) 59.91, 6. Pittman (W) 1:17.19.

100 freestyle: 1. Naas (N) 49.68, 2. Munn (W) 50.59, 3. Setmeyer (N) 50.66, 4. Hill (N) 53.68, 5. Pham (W) 55.43, 6. Alex Faulkenberg (W) 1:02.36.

500 freestyle: 1. Welch (W) 4:50.76, 2. Mark (N) 5:09.20, 3. Willig (W) 5:40.67, 4. Monger (N) 5:51.63, 5. Obusek (W) 6:15.33, 6. Richard Cunningham (N) 6:29.99.

200 freestyle relay: 1. Westfield “A” (Lorincz, H. Barents Froman, Roussel, Pham) 1:38.63, 2. Noblesville “B” (Haney, David Walters, Monger, Gordon III) 1:45.94, 3. Westfield “B” (Burgess, Willig, Faulkenberg, Obusek) 1:48.59.

100 backstroke: 1. Wright (N) 54,77, 2. Teske (N) 54.81, 3. Munn (W) 58.09, 4. Hayward (N) 58.20, 5. H. Barents Froman (W) 1:02.01, 6. Burgess (W) 1:04.95.

100 breaststroke: 1. G. Barents Froman (W) 1:01.55, 2. Roussel (W) 1:06.29, 3. Haney (N) 1:14.69, 4. Obusek (W) 1:18.01, 5. Walters (N) 1:25.23, 6. Cunningham (N) 1:26.47.

400 freestyle relay: 1. Westfield “A” (Welch, Thomas, Munn, G. Barents Froman) 3:20.94, 2. Noblesville “A” (Naas, Teske, Wright, Hayward) 3:22.40, 3. Noblesville “B” (Hill, Monger, Walters, Mark) 3:52.82, 4. Westfield “B” (Willig, Faulkenberg, Burgess, Alonso) 4:02.78.