The Mudsock swimming and diving meet ended in a split on Thursday, with the Fishers girls and the Hamilton Southeastern boys each winning the trophy at the Tigers’ aquatic center.
The Tigers girls won 110-73 over the Royals. Hannah Pratt was a double winner, taking the 200 and 100 freestyles. Fishers also picked up victories from Lydia Reade in the individual medley, Ellen Fero in the 50 free, Morgan Casey in diving, Abby Jahns in the 500 free and the 400 free relay.
Southeastern’s girls got first-place finishes from Hannah Pugh in the butterfly, Abby Harter in the backstroke, Molly Robinson in the breaststroke, along with the medley and 200 free relays.
In the boys meet, the Royals beat the Tigers 103-83. Each team won six events.
DJ Rogers got a double win for HSE by taking the 50 and 100 freestyles. Also victorious were Connor Harrison in the butterfly and all three relays.
Fishers’ wins included double victories from Aaron Frollo (200 free and backstroke) and Kyle Ponsler (IM and backstroke). Sebastian Otero won the diving and Cory Jacocks was first in the breaststroke.
Team score: Fishers 110, Hamilton Southeastern 73
200 medley relay: 1. Southeastern “A” (Abby Harter, Molly Robinson, Hannah Pugh, Bri Saple) 1:47.46, 2. Fishers “A” (Corinne Yorkman, Lydia Reade, Nicole Rueff, Ellen Fero) 1:49.88, 3. Southeastern “B” (Rebecca Ang, Kennedy Fisher, DaBin Jung, Laura MacLafferty) 1:50.87.
200 freestyle: 1. Hannah Pratt (F) 1:53.10, 2. Molly Pedersen (HSE) 1:55.14, 3. Morgan Booth (F) 1:58.25, 4. Kayleigh Witt (HSE) 1:59.02, 5. Abby Jahns (F) 1:59.11.
200 individual medley: 1. Reade (F) 2:09.47, 2. Pugh (HSE) 2:10.44, 3. Savannah Kennedy (F) 2:10.95, 4. A. Harter (HSE) 2:10.99, 5. Yorkman (F) 2:11.07.
50 freestyle: 1. Fero (F) 24.56, 2. Saple (HSE) 24.72, 3. Alexandra Stein (F) 25.32, 4. Fisher (HSE) 25.35, 5. Kalli Agapios (F) 25.63.
One-meter diving: 1. Morgan Casey (F) 228.35, 2. Sarah Ballard (HSE) 219.10, 3. Grace Mossing (F) 211.85, 4. Ashley Sinicropi (HSE) 206.85, 5. Halli Siwik (HSE) 193.60.
100 butterfly: 1. Pugh (HSE) 57.77, 2. Stein (F) 59.41, 3. Rueff (F) 1:00.17, 4. Kara Robeson (F) 1:00.38, 5. Jung (HSE) 1:00.79.
100 freestyle: 1. Pratt (F) 52.59, 2. M. Pedersen (HSE) 52.95, 3. Fero (F) 54.88, 4. Saple (HSE) 54.99, 5. Ellie Pedersen (HSE) 55.49.
500 freestyle: 1. Jahns (F) 5:09.39, 2. Booth (F) 5:16.07, 3. Sam Hietpas (F) 5:23.35, 4. Witt (HSE) 5:30.15, 5. Robinson (HSE) 5:31.49.
200 freestyle relay: 1. Fishers “A” (Fero, Stein, Agapios, Pratt) 1:39.11, 2. Southeastern “A” (Saple, Pugh, E. Pedersen, M. Pedersen) 1:39.61, 3. Fishers “B” (Emma Julien, Diane Koo, Jahns, Booth) 1:42.67.
100 backstroke: 1. A. Harter (HSE) 58.41, 2. Olivia Harter (HSE) 59.93, 3. Yorkman (F) 1:00.31, 4. Robeson (F) 1:01.89, 5. Kennedy (F) 1:02.15.
100 breaststroke: 1. Robinson (HSE) 1:06.99, 2. Reade (F) 1:07.09, 3. Fisher (HSE) 1:09.79, 4. Kenzie Pierce (F) 1:10.01, 5. Katherine Kesler (HSE) 1:11.77.
400 freestyle relay: 1. Fishers “A” (Stein, Jahns, Booth, Pratt) 3:36.99, 2. Southeastern “A” (Witt, E. Pedersen, A. Harter, M. Pedersen) 3:38.65, 3. Fishers “B” (Agapios, Koo, Julien, Yorkman) 3:46.45.
Team score: Hamilton Southeastern 103, Fishers 83
200 medley relay: 1. Southeastern “A” (Blake Ratliff, Andrew Truxall, Connor Harrison, Andrew Christopher) 1:37.79, 2. Fishers “A” (Kyle Ponsler, Izzy Harding, Trevor Adcock, Cory Jacocks) 1:41.12, 3. Southeastern “B” (Holden Kesler, Justin Voelker, Thomas Reising, Zack Bostock) 1:46.22.
200 freestyle: 1. Aaron Frollo (F) 1:44.48, 2. Keegan Streett (HSE) 1:44.83, 3. Tyler Schwertfeger (F) 1:47.49, 4. Evan Sellers (HSE) 1:47.89, 5. Marcus Eden (HSE) 1:50.99.
200 individual medley: 1. Ponsler (F) 1:58.15, 2. Ratliff (HSE) 1:58.27, 3. Harrison (HSE) 2:01.17, 4. Harding (F) 2:02.82, 5. Nic Silva (F) 2:05.61.
50 freestyle: 1. DJ Rogers (HSE) 21.84, 2. Adcock (F) 22.38, 3. Christopher (HSE) 22.39, 4. Nick Bostock (HSE) 23.08, 5. Reed Beaumont (F) 23.81.
One-meter diving: 1. Sebastian Otero (F) 250.70, 2. AJ Ricafort (HSE) 243.30, 3. Nathan Barr (HSE) 237.55, 4. William Jansen (F) 225.20, 5. Ethan Weiss (F) 141.95.
100 butterfly: 1. Harrison (HSE) 52.99, 2. Adcock (F) 53.80, 3. Christopher (HSE) 55.17, 4. Reising (HSE) 56.50, 5. Silva (F) 57.47.
100 freestyle: 1. Rogers (HSE) 47.86, 2. Jacocks (F) 49.39, 3. Bruno Kitazuka (F) 51.45, 4. Z. Bostock (HSE) 51.60, 5. N. Bostock (HSE) 51.67.
500 freestyle: 1. Frollo (F) 4:48.67, 2. Schwertfeger (F) 4:51.09, 3. Evan Sellers (HSE) 4:59.88, 4. Streett (HSE) 5:06.54, 5. Louie Henderson (F) 5:12.77.
200 freestyle relay: 1. Southeastern “A” (Rogers, N. Bostock, Eden, Sellers) 1:30.03, 2. Southeastern “B” (Christopher, Z. Bostock, Streett, Harrison) 1:30.32, 3. Fishers “A” (Adcock, Silva, Schwertfeger, Frollo) 1:30.91.
100 backstroke: 1. Ponsler (F) 53.85, 2. Ratliff (HSE) 54.01, 3. Harding (F) 55.60, 4. Eden (HSE) 59.39, 5. Sean Deimling (F) 1:00.84.
100 breaststroke: 1. Jacocks (F) 1:01.73, 2. Truxall (HSE) 1:01.91, 3. Reising (HSE) 1:03.63, 4. Alex Garcia (F) 1:06.14, 5. Voelker (HSE) 1:06.75.
400 freestyle relay: 1. Southeastern “A” (Evan Sellers, Streett, Ratliff, Rogers) 3:15.39, 2. Fishers “A” (Frollo, Schwertfeger, Jacocks, Ponsler) 3:17.97, 3. Southeastern “B” (Eden, N. Bostock, Z. Bostock, Matteo Fontanin) 3:28.27.

The Fishers girls (above) and the Hamilton Southeastern boys (below) were the winners of the Mudsock swimming and diving meet on Thursday. (Richie Hall)