The Hamilton Heights swim team swept a three-team meet with Guerin Catholic and Liberty Christian on Thursday.
In the boys meet, the Huskies won with 100 points, followed by Liberty Christian with 49 and the Golden Eagles with 31. Jared Holder broke two school records, the first of which was the long-standing individual medley relay. Holder swam that race in 1:59.53. At the end of the meet, Holder set a new mark in the 100 freestyle, which he swam as the first leg of the 400 free relay. His time was 48.48 seconds.
Heights won all 12 events. Individual winners for the Huskies were Holder in the IM and 100 free, Grant Forrer in the 200 and 500 freestyles and Eli VanHaaren in the butterfly and backstroke. Other winners were Joe Ringer in the 50 free, Dejuan King in diving and Luke Stohler in the breaststroke. The Huskies swept all three relays.
Guerin Catholic’s Johannes Hoffmann placed second in the IM and 500 free, while Dane Leonard was the diving runner-up. The Golden Eagles were also second in the medley relay.
In the girls meet, Heights won with 100 points, with Guerin Catholic scoring 66 and Liberty Christian 10. The Huskies took nine events, including double wins from Tara Holder in the 50 and 500 freestyles, and Rachel Sanqunetti in the 100 free and the backstroke. Other winners were Carlie Flintoff in the 200 free, Kennedy Weaver in the IM, Kat Cox in the breaststroke, and the Huskies’ medley and 400 free relay teams.
The Golden Eagles’ Emma Abdalla won the diving event, with Erica Hunckler taking the butterfly. Guerin Catholic also finished first in the 200 free relay.
Team scores: Hamilton 100, Guerin Catholic 66, Liberty Christian 10.
200 medley relay: 1. Heights “A” (Rachel Sanqunetti, Kat Cox, Ryleigh Poe, Tara Holder) 2:02.99, 2. Guerin Catholic “A” (Mary Kate Cline, Kate Swack, Erica Hunckler, Catalina Dunasky) 2:05.79, 3. Guerin Catholic “B” (Clare Cline, Courtney Lacy, Danielle Hunckler, Elizabeth Fruedenthal) 2:18.20, 4. Heights “B” (Alaina Stohler, Erin Zuchristian, Kennedy Weaver, Maria Mitchell) 2:23.26.
200 freestyle: 1. Carlie Flintoff (HH) 2:20.56, 2. Mitchell (HH) 2:25.43, 3. Swack (GC) 2:31.81.
200 individual medley: 1. Weaver (HH) 2:37.73, 2. Dunasky (GC) 2:42.29, 3. Cox (HH) 2:43.40, 5. Kacey Frenzel (GC) 3:45.46.
50 freestyle: 1. Holder (HH) 26.06, 2. M.K. Cline (GC) 26.72, 3. Mady Hutcherson (HH) 29.14, 5. Fruedenthal (GC) 32.78.
One-meter diving: 1. Emma Abdalla (GC) 201.40, 2. Bailey Haworth (HH) 193.05.
100 butterfly: 1. E. Hunckler (GC) 1:04.18, 2. Poe (HH) 1:04.78, 3. D. Hunckler (GC) 1:14.23, 4. Flintoff (HH) 1:17.27.
100 freestyle: 1. Sanqunetti (HH) 55.29, 2. Dunasky (GC) 1:04.03, 3. Gen Trese (HH) 1:06.01, 4. Fruedenthal (GC) 1:16.90.
500 freestyle: 1. Holder (HH) 5:32.48, 2. Poe (HH) 5:39.55, 3. C. Cline (GC) 6:24.59.
200 freestyle: 1. Guerin Catholic “A” (M.K. Cline, Dunasky, D. Hunckler, E. Hunckler) 1:49.95, 2. Heights “A” (Hutcherson, Cox, Trese, Flintoff) 1:58.20, 3. Heights “B” (Zuchristian, Abigail Mayo, Cora Cain, Allyson Dinwiddie) 2:07.95, 4. Guerin Catholic “B” (Frenzel, Maddie Stephens, Lacy, Olivia Kunkel) 2:18.51.
100 backstroke: 1. Sanqunetti (HH) 1:00.92, 2. M.K. Cline (GC) 1:06.64, 3. C. Cline (GC) 1:13.12, 4. Hutcherson (HH) 1:21.05.
100 breaststroke: 1. Cox (HH) 1:22.09, 2. Swack (GC) 1:22.69, 3. Weaver (HH) 1:23.31, 4. Lacy (GC) 1:24.39.
400 freestyle relay: 1. Heights “A” (Holder, Poe, Hutcherson, Sanqunetti) 4:02.31, 2. Heights “B” (Hayden Hough, Mitchell, Anna Wheat, Weaver) 4:39.42, 3. Guerin Catholic “A” (D. Hunckler, Fruedenthal, C. Cline, Swack) 4:44.19, 4. Guerin Catholic “B” (Frenzel, Kunkel, Stephens, Lacy) 5:26.58.
Team scores: Hamilton Heights 100, Liberty Christian 49, Guerin Catholic 31.
200 medley relay: 1. Heights “A” (Jared Holder, Luke Stohler, Eli VanHaaren, Joe Ringer) 1:52.14, 2. Guerin Catholic “A” (Johannes Hoffmann, Dane Leonard, Matthew Jones, Caleb Russell) 2:05.98, 4. Heights “B” (Kal Colter, Josh Snay, Josh Glover, Payton Tindal) 2:10.60, 5. Guerin Catholic “B” (Aaron Cradick, Jack Jurewicz, Charlie Smith, Grant Bricking) 2:35.56.
200 freestyle: 1. Grant Forrer (HH) 2:08.12, 4. Aiden Helm (HH) 2:41.63.
200 individual medley: 1. Holder (HH) 1:59.53, 2. Hoffmann (GC) 2:30.52, 3. Glover (HH) 2:30.78.
50 freestyle: 1. Ringer (HH) 26.60, 3. Tindal (HH) 28.19, 4. Russell (GC) 28.80, 5. Bricking (GC) 31.82.
One-meter diving: 1. Dejuan King (HH) 159.00, 2. Leonard (GC) 140.65, 3. Nate Jozsa (HH) 95.15.
100 butterfly: 1. VanHaaren (HH) 1:01.47, 3. Smith (GC) 1:38.61.
100 freestyle: 1. Holder (HH) 48.77, 2. Ringer (HH) 55.20, 3. Jones (GC) 59.49, 6. Bricking (GC) 1:13.17.
500 freestyle: 1. Forrer (HH) 5:52.20, 2. Hoffmann (GC) 6:04.43, 4. Snay (HH) 6:14.09.
200 freestyle relay: 1. Heights “A” (Ringer, Glover, Forrer, Snay) 1:47.26, 3. Guerin Catholic “A” (Leonard, Jurewicz, Russell, Jones) 1:54.21, 4. Heights “B” (Drew Monnin, Ethan Hall, Helm, Tindal) 2:03.47.
100 backstroke: 1. VanHaaren (HH) 1:03.45, 4. Colter (HH) 1:21.16, 5. Jurewicz (GC) 1:32.81.
100 breaststroke: 1. Stohler (HH) 1:13.58, 3. Snay (HH) 1:21.77, 5. Smith (GC) 1:29.67.
400 freestyle relay: 1. Heights “A” (Holder, Glover, Stohler, VanHaaren) 3:44.81, 3. Guerin Catholic “A” (Jones, Russell, Hoffmann, Leonard) 4:09.09, 4. Heights “B” (Monnin, Hall, Helm, Colter) 4:34.03, 5. Guerin Catholic “B” (Smith, Cradick, Bricking, Jurewicz) 5:14.68.

Hamilton Heights’ Jared Holder set two new records for the Huskies during its three-team win Thursday. Holder broke records in the individual medley and the 100 freestyle. (Doug Sanqunetti)