Survey shows half of Hoosier households will enforce their own vaccine mandates

For many families hosting festive gatherings with elderly relatives this season, an elephant lurks in the room: The vaccination status of family and friends who have been invited, particularly as the new omicron variant begins to spread around the country.

A recent poll found that 19 percent people still say they don’t intend on getting vaccinated, which may result in those who are vaccinated hesitating to mingle with those who aren’t. But if you’ve already sent out invites to loved ones asking them to join in the family gathering, when is an appropriate time to ask about their vaccination status? Is it better to recall these invites sooner rather than later?

Duffy & Duffy, a New York-based medical malpractice law firm, commissioned a survey of 3,758 respondents to deduce people’s opinions about having unvaccinated family members around their elderly relatives this upcoming holiday season. It was discovered that 53 percent of Indiana households said they will consider not inviting unvaccinated guests to their family get-togethers this festive season to protect the elderly.

Click here to view an interactive map showing family vaccine mandates across the country.

The holidays can be a difficult time for those with elderly relatives in care or nursing homes. For some, it’s difficult to arrange travel for the elderly, especially if they’re in a fragile state and require “round the clock care.” For others, there could be health risks and complications associated with their parents/grandparents leaving their care facility. And for those with elderly relatives in nursing homes or care facilities, 44 percent said they have concerns about unvaccinated home employees returning to work after the holidays, after being out and about celebrating (particularly during New Year celebrations).

This is indeed a valid concern as earlier in the year, nearly one-fifth of U.S. coronavirus deaths were linked to nursing facilities. In fact, the survey found that 74 percent respondents believe that nursing homes should require negative tests for all residents returning over holiday activities.

Moreover, 77 percent of people questioned in the survey believe nursing homes should require all staff to be fully vaccinated.