Hamilton Southeastern Schools Superintendent Allen Bourff says he will have a recommendation on school start times for the next regular meeting of the school board scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 12. Administrators will have options for board consideration, including implementing a version of the three-tier bus transportation system in the 2020-21 school year.

“We will be presenting (the board) with … an option to flip our start times as early as next fall,” Bourff told board members. “But if you chose not to do that, we would present you with another alternative to introduce you to a new transportation system that could be a three-tier system.”
Answering a question from board member Sylvia Shepler, Bourff said there is no “drop-dead date” on making a start time decision for the 2020-21 school year.
“Once you get beyond February and March, it’s hard to make those decisions,” Bourff said. “So, we would like to try to make that decision in February.
One complicating factor is this: There is only one regular board meeting scheduled in the month of February, and that is on the 12th.
Board President Michelle Fullhart clarified that, at minimum, there would most likely be a school start time change as a result of moving from a two-tier to a three-tier bus transportation system. She described the possibility of flipping start times between elementary and high school