Support our unions this Labor Day

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Dear Editor:

This Monday will be my seventh Labor Day as a union member. As a commercial airline pilot, I know that labor unions like the one I belong to built the backbone of our country’s middle class.

When I decided to run for State Representative in Indiana’s 39th district, I knew that I wanted to make supporting labor unions a major part of my campaign. Unions have done so much for me and my family to provide us with a better, more secure life. However, Unions have not always had the support they need from our state to do the work of protecting and supporting workers. We all must do more to support labor unions in Indiana, especially as a part of our celebrations this Labor Day weekend.

As an Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) member, I know I owe my job safety to the strength of our union organization. Since its founding in 1931, ALPA has prioritized aviation safety and security. The union has fought for an independent aviation safety board, crew rest requirements, and the adoption of the “fasten seatbelt” safety sign that is required on every commercial passenger airplane to this day. There is no question that ALPA’s work is a huge part of why flying remains the safest form of travel in our country – we are all safer flying because of this union.

Beyond making work safer, unions create high-quality, well-paying jobs that help grow economies. On average, union jobs pay $191 more per week than nonunion counterparts. These jobs also provide better employer-provided pensions and health insurance benefits. In today’s global economy, creating and protecting high paying, quality jobs for working people is essential for any state looking to attract new workers. In Indiana especially, our unions are fighting to create new high-paying jobs in innovative industries. During the 2022 legislative session, the Indiana AFL-CIO worked with legislators to pass HB 1221, a law that will create new union jobs in the electric vehicle industry and encourage more talent to come to our state.

Unions work hard for workers, and I believe in giving back to our unions. Since becoming a union member, I have walked a picket line to help fight for better wages and working conditions. I supported my union brothers and sisters during the UAW strike in Fort Wayne. I believe that collective action is the only way for unions to win the fight to provide workers with safe, better paying jobs in inclusive and welcoming environments.

This Labor Day, I challenge everyone in our community to learn more about the unions that work to create better jobs and a better economy for Indiana. Visit the Indiana AFL-CIO online at and learn how you can support union fights for workers happening right now in our state. And remember to thank a union member on Monday for the federally recognized day off of work.

With all our support, unions will make our state workforce and economy stronger, more equitable, and ready for the jobs of tomorrow. I am proud to be a union member running for office in Indiana.

Matt McNally

Candidate for State Representative, House District 39, Carmel/Westfield

Matt McNally is a 22-year military veteran, a commercial airline pilot, and a member of the Air Line Pilots Association, Int’l . He is currently running for State Representative in House District 39.

1 Comment on "Support our unions this Labor Day"

  1. So are farm subsidies, social security, interstate highways, local trash pick up & on & on & on ..
    Point being ?

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