Dear Editor:
Regarding the article of July 27 Stacking the deck, Mr. Cooke? As a Noblesville resident, Republican voter, and longtime supporter of John Ditslear, I was stunned by the cynical disdain for citizens within the email comments from Mr. Cooke. I certainly agree with your headline his emails reveal a pattern of disrespect for opposing views, and I would add disrespect for citizens in general. Too many politicians today seem to think it is their job to rule by any means, when we citizens think it is their job in government to serve! Mayor Ditslear reassigned him saying this experience was a learning opportunity for Mr. Cooke. How does a Deputy Mayor repair loss of trust? Finally, I hope the Reporter will follow up on his comment “information we may not want out there if you know what I mean”. That certainly sounds ominous to me.
George Hodgson