Student-athlete at Heights high school tests positive for COVID

A student athlete at Hamilton Heights High School has tested positive for COVID-19. The student has not attended school.

The school district contacted the Hamilton County Health Department, and per the health department’s guidance, the student will quarantine at home for 14 days. Through contact tracing, any player the student touched must be quarantined for 14 days as well.

As a precautionary measure, a staff member and 13 student athletes will also quarantine for the next 14 days.

Protocols and procedures related to this scenario can be found on pages 5-7 of Heights’ Re-Entry Plan. Heights administrators encourage families to remain diligent, take personal responsibility, and follow the recommendations by local and state public health partners to mitigate risk of exposure and transmission on and off school grounds.

As a reminder, if you or anyone in your family is experiencing symptoms in line with COVID-19, contact your healthcare provider for further guidance. Families are encouraged to self-monitor for symptoms of the coronavirus virus including fever, dry cough, body aches, and shortness of breath.

A statement issued by the school district said, “We appreciate your continued confidence and support as we prioritize the health and safety of our students and staff while accelerating learning opportunities for all students during this pandemic. Thank you for doing your part to be good neighbors and show kindness and empathy as we move forward through these challenging times together.”