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Dear Editor:
I have followed Hamilton County politics for many years.
Throughout this time, Steve Schwartz has continued to represent our wonderful county with integrity, modesty, and intellect. By owning a business in Noblesville, in the heart of Hamilton County, for over 40 years, Steve has the opportunity to meet with and serve people from all over the county. I’ve seen his proven track record. Take a look back, and you will see. Schwartz is present. Schwartz is honest. Schwartz is positive.
Please join me in supporting Steve Schwartz with your vote.
Julie Sullivan Caron
Mendota Heights, Minn.
Mendota Heights, Minn. ????? That’s also a thought I had!
Another thought I had is Steve has become so entrenched in local back alley politics the during his several 4 year terms, its time for him to stop ducking on the public teet and move along already.