Steve Braun suspends campaign for 5th District, citing medical issue

Steve Braun made the following statement Monday regarding the race for the 5th Congressional District:

“During an annual check-up with my doctor in September, an issue was identified that requires me to step away from campaigning for 5th District for the next few months.

“I am both frustrated and disappointed to have to suspend my campaign at this critical juncture. Now more than ever, we need to send individuals to Washington who have the capability, the experience and the willingness to address the problems we face.

“Our challenges are daunting, but not unsolvable if we are willing to act. I was running for Congress not merely to hold a position, but to bring a willingness to tackle our most pressing issues head-on. I believe it is imperative that as a nation we address what threatens our economic strength and individual liberties, namely: A $22 trillion national debt, soaring deficits, a massively expensive and over-regulated government health care system, and an education system that lacks accountability and does not adequately prepare today’s students for the actual demands of the current and future American workforce.

“It seems that too few candidates these days – of either political party – spend time addressing issues of importance to our nation and future generations. I had hoped to try. A campaign about these fundamental challenges may not have been exciting by today’s standards, but I had hoped to offer the voters of the 5th District both a somber and serious discussion about where we stand in the life of our nation, as well as a series of meaningful proposals for how we might set things right, if only we could summon the political courage.

“That will have to wait. Families across the country face unexpected circumstances every day, but this challenge just happened to confront me and my family as we were launching a campaign for Congress. Nevertheless, my health and family are my priorities, and they will be my focus in the months ahead.”