State Sen. Ford calls on Hamilton County’s Statehouse delegation to condemn Moms for Liberty

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Dear Editor:

The fact that Moms for Liberty felt comfortable quoting Adolf Hitler in their first newsletter is telling.

This group is spearheading the effort to ban books in the name of ‘protecting children’ yet they’re quoting one of the most reprehensive and evil fascists in history. It’s disgusting and indefensible, and I condemn what they are saying to justify this unacceptable act.

A member said the quote was used to elicit ‘shock value.’ Yes – quoting a man responsible for one of the worst genocides in history is as shocking as it is heinous. Six million Jewish people lost their lives because of the rhetoric and ideals that were pushed by Hitler. We fought a global war – thousands of American service members lost their lives – to extinguish the type of hateful, antisemitic language and views promoted by Hitler, and now we’re seeing prominent groups and local leaders working to infuse those sentiments back into our society.

I have to be honest – I’m growing incredibly concerned by the increasing normalization of fascism, antisemitism, and hateful rhetoric, which we know from history will only ever lead to ugly outcomes.

With the simultaneous efforts to ban books and the growing rise of Nazi sympathy, I fear we are on a slippery slope. That’s why it’s so important that leaders don’t ignore these acts but stand up and condemn them.

If Americans can lose their lives fighting a war against Nazism, elected leaders can at least have the courage to call out behavior from groups that have been recognized as extremists, like Moms for Liberty.

I call on every member of the Hamilton County Statehouse Delegation to condemn this group’s promotion of Hitler as well as everything he stood for.

We must also be conscious of the impact of banning books about Nazism, the Holocaust, genocide and other hateful acts in history. We cannot allow important lessons and truths to be lost in an effort to cover the stains of our past. Doing that only robs future generations of knowledge that could help them avoid mistakes from history. Already, a shocking number of Americans don’t know key facts relating to the Holocaust or have very disturbing ideas about how the Holocaust was started.

If we do not know and learn our history, we are doomed to repeat it.

State Sen. J.D. Ford

State Sen. Ford represents Indiana Senate District 29, which encompasses Boone County’s Eagle Township, Hamilton County’s Clay Township, and Marion County’s Pike and Wayne townships.

2 Comments on "State Sen. Ford calls on Hamilton County’s Statehouse delegation to condemn Moms for Liberty"

  1. Eric Morris | June 26, 2023 at 10:16 am |

    A shocking number of state senators from District 29 don’t know how little the US government did to help Jews prior to and during the war, including FDR. Look up “Voyage of the Damned”.

    See this article for some ripe quotes and thoughs by the liberal saint FDR:

  2. Ron Blaisdell | June 26, 2023 at 7:20 pm |

    Response to Indiana State Senator Ford Letter

    Sir, let me first say that I support equal rights, but not equity, for all of our citizens, be they heterosexual, bisexual, or any variety of LGBTQ+, or however they may define themselves. I also believe, with possibly a few exceptions, that a parent has the right to determine the value system of their children, as well as their educational environment and its contents.

    Now, I’ll address your letter:

    You ramble on-and-on about Moms for Liberty promoting Hitler and everything he stood for. How in the hell did you reach that conclusion from a truthful quote? The quote has the historical substance of truth, there was no promotion of Hitler.

    So parents should not want to ban books to protect their children from what they consider age inappropriate topics such as sexual deviance, gender options, pornography, just to mention a few? I’ll go out on a limb and say most parents will say it should be their choice.

    You say Moms for Liberty have been recognized as extremists, true if you are referring to the assessment of the Southern Poverty Law Center. However, the SPLC has been recognized as an extremist operation itself and has incorrectly, and repeatedly, identified what some would call conservative groups as extremist or even terrorist. Check a recent N.Y. Times article regarding the SPLC and a judgment and fine of over $3 million. Personally however, I think Moms for Liberty should be extremist. The children are our future.

    Senator, oddly enough I must agree with you relative to parts of some of your statements. The evil actions in history should be taught, but in balance and in the context of their period. By the same token, the ongoing recognition of undesirable things such as slavery and its modification and elimination should be applauded.

    I would also agree that we are experiencing a normalization of some things that to most are undesirable, but to others are paths to power and a 1984 style government.

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