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The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) is announcing maintenance activities on State Road 32 between 10th Street and State Road 37 in Noblesville. Local roads will be closed to accessing SR 32 during the duration of the project, except for 17th Street.
Crews have begun working on SR 32 eastbound between 10th and 19th streets to remove four inches of pavement and resurface the road. Traffic will be slow during this section of the project. INDOT maintenance anticipate completing this section by this weekend, weather permitting.
Beginning the week of July 30, crews will resume work on the SR 32 westbound for asphalt work. Westbound traffic will be diverted to the center lanes during this portion of construction. Crews anticipate having SR 32 westbound completed by the end of next week.
Strip patching operation
INDOT plans additional work on SR 32 for strip patching. Strip patching allows crews to remove and replace small sections of damaged roadway.
Work is expected to begin between 19th Street and SR 37 on or around Aug. 2. This section of strip patching is anticipated to be completed by the end of next week, weather permitting.
Flaggers will be on site during this strip patching operation to maintain traffic. INDOT urges the public to please continue to exercise caution for personal safety and the safety of INDOT workers in and around the work zones.