Submitted by State Rep. Garcia Wilburn’s Press Office
Garcia Wilburn
On Wednesday, the Indiana House of Representatives concurred on House Bill 1338, which is now on its way to the governor’s desk to be signed into law.
This bill limits the scope and job security of the public access counselor, who is supposed to advise members of the public, government officials and government employees on meetings and records that should be made public.
“Sunshine, transparency and open access all make for healthy government, and right now, we have proof that our current processes work,” State Rep. Victoria Garcia Wilburn (D-Fishers) said. “Last summer, several Hamilton East Public Library board members were accused of violating the Open Door Law. When this happened, I had full confidence in the public access counselor to evaluate whether the majority of a HEPL board subcommittee convening at a coffee shop was a violation of the transparency statute. In the end they were found to have violated the statute, but public confidence was restored because the public knew there were enforced standards to maintain government transparency. This bill will erode that confidence. Once again, the Indiana General Assembly is overstepping into local matters that are already being handled appropriately.
“I voted against House Bill 1338 because all Hoosiers benefit when we have someone looking out for the public’s best interest without having to worry about blowback or retaliation for opinions issued in good faith.”