Local elections matter. A model example of this is the ongoing public debate over Hamilton East Public Library’s policy change to reshelve young adult novels in the adult sections of their libraries.
State Rep. Victoria Garcia Wilburn (D-Fishers) released the following statement:
Garcia Wilburn
“The recent actions taken by Hamilton East Public Library are a direct result of local elections and their outcomes,” State Rep. Garcia Wilburn said. “Many House District 32 residents, including myself, are frustrated about HEPL’s new book-reshelving policy. One of my best memories as a teenager was spending the day in the young adult section, knowing exactly where to access material that was meant just for me. I hear these concerns. I would like to remind constituents that these policy decisions about what our children may read are made by political appointees.
“The seven members of the HEPL Board of Trustees were all appointed by various local bodies: two by the Noblesville School Board, two by the Hamilton County Commissioners, two by the Hamilton County Council and one by the Hamilton Southeastern School Board. All the members of these appointing bodies are elected to their positions – meaning you have the power to review their job performance every several years at the ballot box. I encourage community members to take note when local government decisions like this one leave them dissatisfied.”
During her first year at the General Assembly, Garcia Wilburn voted in line with the high value House District 32 places on public education.
“I’m a mom of teenagers. I encourage my children to read young adult novels that embody a full range of perspectives and world views,” she added. “I know that my kids will become stronger and better critical thinkers, more readily prepared to lead in an ever-changing society.
“As your state representative, I listened to librarians who met with me and voted against a school library book ban that passed earlier this year. I believe my record speaks for itself when it comes to opposing censorship and supporting library and education professionals.”
Thank you for your comment!
Rep Wilburn, does your stand agaisnt censorship extend to all forms of media and not only library books? Movie ratings have been accepted for years, do you also oppose that?
Do you want books such as “It’s Perfectly Normal”, “Lets Talk About It”, and “A Quick and Easy Guide to Consent” to be housed in a section that 11 year olds freely peruse? Those 3 books would easily garner an R rating as a film.