The Indiana House Public Health Committee is considering House Bill 1003 called “Nursing Indiana Back to Health.”
“The gap between supply and demand for nurses has long been growing, but the length and stress of the pandemic has exacerbated the issue,” said Indiana Hospital Association Brian Tabor. “The ‘Nursing Indiana Back to Health’ legislation is a crucial step forward in narrowing that gap and ensuring that Hoosier patients will have the nurses they need to care for them for years to come.”
The demand for nurses is expected to grow 12 percent from 2018 to 2028, according to the Indiana Hospital Association.
News 8 spoke to local nurses who say the pandemic had pushed them to their limits and has created staff burnout.
“Nurses are deciding to either take a different career path or join a travel agency or work from home. It’s really created this larger staffing shortage than what we’ve ever anticipated,” said Indiana State Nurses Association President Emily Sego.
The Indiana Hospital Association said the bill will also provide flexibility and remove unnecessary regulations for nursing schools in Indiana which will allow additional students to enter the nursing workforce pipeline.
The legislation would enable Ivy Tech Community College to expand its nursing programs by 600 students annually by 2025.