Starlink satellites may be visible over Hamilton County tonight

This photo was taken on Sept. 2 in Westfield while looking high in the northwestern sky. The view was perfect, and the satellites could be seen for a few minutes as they raced southeast into higher orbit. (Photo provided by Wes Hauser)

Be sure to look to the sky tonight. Starlink will launch more satellites and starting at approximately 8:42 p.m. you’ll be able to see them if the skies are clear. Look for a string of lights moving across the sky from west to southeast.

It’s worth noting that all times are approximate. This is because the orbit of the satellites can change which disrupts the exact timing. Visit for times they will be visible at your location.

Cloud coverage across central Indiana will be more prevalent this evening, but you never know. Wednesday night’s pass of Starlink will achieve a maximum height of 63 degrees. If somehow some breaks in the clouds work in, then this would be the most visible pass.

Starlink is operated by SpaceX. It is a constellation of low Earth satellites used to bring internet to consumers around the globe. Starlink satellites can only be seen on their way up into orbit after they launch.

The full launch schedule can be viewed here.