Noblesville Schools announced Monday that Special Olympics Indiana has named all 10 of their schools as Unified Champion Schools, the only district in the state to have all of their schools receive this honor.
The recognition is designed to highlight schools that make inclusion of students with disabilities a priority. Specifically, Special Olympics Indiana looks for schools that excel in inclusive student leadership, whole school engagement, Unified Sports® and fundraising.
Jeff Mohler, Special Olympics Indiana’s Chief Operating Officer, commented, “Noblesville Schools has been the shining example of what an inclusive educational culture can be and should be. Their students benefit because of dedicated school administration and devoted teachers who see the value in all students. Noblesville Schools should be commended for this achievement of being the first school district to earn the Unified Champion Schools status.”
“We are passionate about serving the academic, social and emotional needs of all of our students,” said Mark Booth, director of special education for Noblesville Schools. “Our annual districtwide disability awareness week, unified Olympic games and staff Special Olympics bowling fundraiser are just some of the initiatives we have pursued to ensure students with special needs feel included among other students and in our school community.”
All 10 Noblesville schools will receive a four-foot by six-foot banner to hang in their gyms commemorating the accomplishment. Noblesville Schools’ unified Olympic games event has also been highlighted in a Special Olympics Indiana video that will be shown statewide.