Spartz: We cannot betray Ukrainian people; inaction equals sabotage

Congresswoman Victoria Spartz (R-Ind.-05) on Monday sent a letter to President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley urging them to improve efficiency and volume of direct lethal aid to Ukraine, implement P2P (point to point) logistics to the frontline, and establish an advisory and oversight joint task force in collaboration with the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine for distribution of financial aid to address high risks of incompetency, corruption, infiltration and abuse of power in the Ukrainian government.

Read Rep. Spartz’s full letter below.


Dear President Biden, Secretary Blinken, Secretary Austin and General Milley:

I know that many are playing politics right now, but the value of human life should transcend politics. There are many domestic issues that we have significant disagreements on, and I believe this Administration needs to do a much better job collaborating with Republicans to urgently address issues like border security.

Nevertheless, I wanted to bring up an issue that has been supported on a bipartisan basis requiring your urgent attention. I visited Ukraine last week for the 7th time and urge you to carry out the following immediately:

1) Improve direct lethal assistance to Ukraine:

a) Implement P2P (point-to-point) logistics to the frontlines, which will diversify and mitigate risk and provide badly needed efficiencies and proper oversight;

b) Significantly increase volume of lethal assistance; and

c) Start implementing lend-lease legislation.

2) Establish an advisory and oversight joint task force in collaboration with the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine:

a) Implement proper oversight and governance of any U.S. financial assistance and eliminate any direct budget transfers to Ukrainian government to address significant risks of corruption and incompetence, and provide better accountability and transparency to Congress;

b) Improve strategic decision making, securing critical infrastructure and better engagement with the U.S. business and non-profit community; and

c) Establish an international mechanism for better anticorruption enforcement and addressing the grievances of Ukrainian citizens due to significant risks of abuse of government power, effective dictatorship and lack of a functioning justice system.

Many Ukrainians are dying in this fight for freedom and international order, but many more will die if we do not take these urgent actions. I have no doubt that Ukrainians are going to prevail in the end, but the question is at what cost. You can save many of lives by taking proper action. The success or failure of our strategic interest depends on your actions. We cannot betray the Ukrainian people and heroes bravely fighting and sacrificing their lives for our shared values. Inaction equals sabotage.


Victoria Spartz

Member of Congress (IN-05)

1 Comment on "Spartz: We cannot betray Ukrainian people; inaction equals sabotage"

  1. Eric Morris | August 24, 2022 at 3:19 pm |

    She went from one of the 5 best Congressmen, with Massie and a few others, to maybe the worst, which is saying a lot when we have out-and-out Commies like the Squad. Please quit.

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