Spartz: McCarthy & McConnell are both right on Ukraine

Representing You

As someone with firsthand knowledge of the situation in Europe, I urge President Biden and the Democrats to stop playing politics with people’s lives regarding the war in Ukraine. While incorporating Ukrainian war spending into their large wasteful omnibus bills might be a clever political maneuver – as it forces most Republicans to vote “no” – it’s counterproductive to the war effort. In fact, such actions allow Putin to intensify anti-Ukrainian propaganda and divide our country.

Even though winter is coming, the Biden administration is still playing reckless politics with energy policies. Understanding the danger of this situation, I recently visited Europe myself and met with a number of stakeholders in Berlin, Brussels, Kyiv and London.

I also joined Yulia Yatsyk, a member of the Ukrainian parliament, in Zaporizhzhia. I was impressed by the bravery and boldness of this courageous woman who not only goes to the frontlines to support the brave Ukrainian soldiers but is also not afraid to challenge corrupt government officials in her region.

We visited an old monastery near the frontlines founded by the Zaporizhian Sich Cossacks on a very special holiday for Ukraine, Oct. 14 – the Protection of the Mother of God, the Defender of Ukraine Day, Ukrainian Cossacks Day, and the 80th anniversary of the creation of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army. Being an ancestor to freedom loving Zaporizhian Sich Cossacks, I was especially humbled to witness the Cossacks initiation ceremony and share some Cossack “kulish” (porridge) with frontline soldiers.

I also was able to visit some major Ukrainian cities and discussed the situation on the ground with the local governments which are doing a tremendous job protecting their cities and their citizens. Life in Ukraine is very hard – hearing artillery shells land close by, being woken up by explosions and machine gun fire, and observing “kamikaze” drones from my hotel window, reminded me what the Ukrainian people are going through on a daily basis. As a mother myself I can only imagine all the worries of Ukrainian mothers.

Although, I was inspired again by the spirit and toughness of the Ukrainian people and Ukrainian fighters. They reminded me of the freedom loving Americans who founded our country – brave, patriotic and unwavering. This war is the people’s war against tyranny.

However, we cannot underestimate the complexity of the situation and brutality of this war. Therefore, I completely agree with Kevin that Congress cannot send “blank checks” and with Mitch that the Biden administration needs to be “quicker and more proactive” for the sake of freedom-loving people fighting this war.

Victoria Spartz serves as the Republican Congresswoman for Indiana’s Fifth District.

3 Comments on "Spartz: McCarthy & McConnell are both right on Ukraine"

  1. Eric Morris | October 27, 2022 at 6:55 am |

    Resign from Congress and go join the fight in Ukraine. Spend your own money and blood on it. You are a huge disappointment. I’d rather have your milquetoast predecessor than a frothing at the mouth warmonger. The vast majority of people supporting this are neocons or democrats, or loser elected Republicans in the pay of the Military-Industrial Complex. You ran as none and ended up as all three.

  2. Jason R Hathaway | October 27, 2022 at 11:25 am |

    Everything I hear about you from articles and people who know about you is that you are only looking out for Number 1 in sll that you do. I don’t trust you.

  3. Rep. Spartz and the Republicans complain whenever the Democrats want to spend money to help average Americans, saying it is inflationary but then she complains that Biden is not doing enough to help her home country and begs for more money. Remember this when you vote.

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