Spartz: I will continue to work hard for Hoosiers

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Dear Editor:

I am pleased with the progress the General Assembly made this year, but our work is not complete.

On average, Hoosiers pay more for certain health care services than citizens in nearby states. To begin addressing this issue, the General Assembly passed health care policies that will increase price transparency, curb ‘surprise’ medical billing, and require hospitals to give patients a good-faith estimate for their care before they can charge out-of-network rates.

In addition, I authored policies that will support local government, protect the rights of individual property owners and ensure that Hoosier farmers have access to affordable medical coverage.

As I finish my tenure in the Indiana Senate, I will continue to work hard to address the needs of our community and will remain a fierce advocate for policies that protect individuals’ rights to life, liberty and property.

State Sen. Victoria Spartz
