Photo provided
The Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District’s (HCSWCD) photo contest submission deadline is fast approaching. The contest is open to youth and adults who reside in Hamilton County. Each age division has two categories: Then and Now and Pollinators in Color.
Photo entries will be displayed at the 4-H Fair July 19-23 and the winners in each of the categories will receive $50.
“The SWCD is celebrating 50 years in 2018 so the Then and Now category is a great opportunity to reflect on changes and conservation in the county through time,” said Ginger Davis, HCSWCD Administrator.
The deadline to enter your digital files is June 27. For more information about the photo contest and to obtain submission forms, visit hamiltonswcd.org/photo-contest.html.
Please email questions to soil.water@hamiltoncounty.in.gov or call 317-773-2181.