So . . . much . . . news!

Reporter photo

Hamilton County is the crown jewel of Indiana

Our quest to publish comprehensive 4-H results and donate to Hamilton County Harvest Food Bank’s (HCHFB) “Meating the Need” program had a few unexpected effects.

One was that massive community support allowed us to donate $3,000 to HCHFB on behalf of our advertisers. Another was the sheer volume and weight of a 64-page 4-H publication added to a 20-page newspaper for the Aug. 1 edition – which, when combined, weighed in at over one-third of a pound of juicy coverage.

The last was that a couple of The Reporter’s owners were a bit slap-happy by the time all the work was finished. They stacked some (not all) of those editions into this: The Newspaper Throne.

Isaac “Big Sugar” Taylor donned attire loosely inspired by Kingpin from the Marvel Universe. Stu “Black Cat” Clampitt also got in character for this shot.

Now all we need is you, Hamilton County. Your seat awaits. The real Lords of Local News are all of you who helped The Little Newspaper That Could be the one that actually did. Have a seat.

But fair warning: as A Song of Fire and Ice fans know, there are risks when you play the game of thrones.