Slow down, Janet

A funny thing happened on the way to get my haircut: I met the nicest police officer.

Four blocks from home, I saw the flashing red lights and, thinking he needed to get around me, turned onto Logan Street. The officer pulled up behind me. I was sure he was in hot pursuit of a criminal … but it was me he was after.

As he approached my car, I said, “Officer, whatever you say I did, I did it.” He laughed.

Here is how our conversation went …

O: Where are you going?

Me: To get my hair cut.

O: What time is your appointment?

Me: 9:15

The officer looked at his watch and saw that it was 9:05.

O: Do you live in the neighborhood?

Me: Yes, sir, for 68 years.

O: We are having complaints about people speeding in the neighborhood.

Me: Yes, sir, I’m one of the ones complaining.

O: May I see your license?

As he is running my plate and looking for any traffic violations in my history, I am thinking: I have not fixed my hair or put on any makeup. I look pitiful. Well, if I ever see him around town, he will never recognize me, that’s for sure.

He soon returned to my window – it was Chuck’s car. I was driving his little black car, which seemed to go faster than my four-slice-toaster Ford Flex.

Photo provided by Janet Hart Leonard

“Mrs. Leonard, you have no past traffic violations, so I’ll just ask you to slow down as you drive to get your hair cut.”

“Officer D, I will do that, and I thank you for your mercy and all you do for our community. I will say a prayer for your safety. I always do that whenever I see a police officer.”

Officer D had no idea he would be helping me write my column this week. When he told me to slow down, I realized I had been not only driving too fast, but I also needed to slow down and not be so busy. All of a sudden, my life had gotten crazy.

My mother often told me I ran around like a chicken with its head cut off. (She was raised on a farm, and well … you know.)

I struggle with thinking I have to be busy and productive and might have get-er-done issues. Mom would remind me that even God rested on the seventh day.

Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 NLT

I had been running around, going too fast, carrying heavy burdens, and was weary. The good Lord got my attention the best way he could that day … He sent a friendly police officer with red flashing lights to get my attention.

Both Officer D and God were telling me, “Slow down, Janet.”

Janet Hart Leonard can be contacted at or followed on Facebook or Instagram (@janethartleonard). Visit

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