Skillman, Lubbers thank Indiana Secretary of State Connie Lawson for her service

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Dear Editor:

Many thanks are in order as my friend Connie Lawson steps down as our Indiana Secretary of State. This was a difficult decision for her. She is the model of devotion to duty.

I have known and worked with Connie since our time as elected county officials in the early 90s – she from Hendricks County, and I served Lawrence County. Both journeys progressed to the Indiana Senate where we served for many years, and then to our time together serving as Secretary of State and Lt. Governor, respectively.

From the earliest days of her service, she has strived to excel, display humility and civility, and make Hoosiers proud.

After two terms as a county clerk, she joined us in the Indiana Senate in 1996. She made an immediate contribution to successful initiatives that drove improvement for county government, women’s health, election law, and beyond. Always the hard worker, Connie was often the last Senator to leave the offices late at night, literally turning out the lights. She earned the respect of her Senate colleagues and was chosen as the first woman to serve as Senate Majority Floor Leader.

As Secretary of State, Connie worked closely with all 92 county clerks to administer elections. Always accessible, she offered great communication, support and empathy while improving the process for election administrators because she had walked in their shoes. She understood the key to a successful statewide election is ensuring Indiana has 92 successful county elections.

Indiana’s Secretary of State enforces state securities regulation, and Connie has been relentless to go after financial criminals who prey on Hoosiers. She also modernized the state’s business services division by creating INBiz. This one-stop business portal has assisted thousands of small business owners as they register their businesses and navigate state government for the long term.

As Indiana’s longest serving Secretary of State, Connie continuously traveled our state until the pandemic interrupted her tradition. She understood and demonstrated that one must know Hoosiers to serve Hoosiers.

My partner in state government, Governor Mitch Daniels, appointed Connie to fill a vacancy as Secretary of State on March 16, 2012, following a period of turmoil and controversy surrounding the previous Secretary of State. Governor Mitch asked if I would administer the oath of office to her. As we gathered in his office with Connie’s husband Jack, her children and grandchildren, I knew she would serve with distinction and make us proud. Indeed, she did.

Job well done, my friend!

Becky Skillman

Former Indiana Lt. Governor

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Dear Editor:

Some people are grandstanders in the way they lead, promoting themselves and their personal legacy. Others – and the more effective ones – seek to serve in a way that solves problems and makes life better for others. Fortunately, we have been graced by the second kind of leadership for more than three decades in the public service of Connie Lawson.

It’s been my personal privilege to know Connie for most of those years and to benefit from her counsel on a host of issues and to be enriched by her friendship. It’s safe to say that like so many others, I’ll be looking for ways to remain in her circle even after her retirement.

I remember Connie’s presence in the State Capitol when she served as Hendricks County Clerk and as president of the Indiana Clerks Association. She frequently testified on election issues, and when she spoke, we listened. It was a delight to welcome her to the Indiana State Senate in January 1997, as she joined a group of Republican women senators who were action-oriented, and she fit right in. As the first woman appointed as Senate Majority Leader, she led with purpose and collegiality. It was surprising to no one that she was selected by Governor Mitch Daniels as Secretary of State or that she handily won election in two subsequent elections.

Distinguished by her strong work ethic and her knowledge of election issues, she proved to be just the Secretary of State we needed to navigate thorny issues. Even those who opposed her found her to be fair and above reproach in character and commitment.

Connie has been a mentor to many, especially women who were carving out public service careers. She gave generously of her time as an Honorary Governor of The Lugar Series and to the class members – no doubt inspiring many to step up and serve. It’s not just what she said but more about how she did her job and how she treated people. Those who follow her example share her willingness to do whatever it takes to do the job well in service to Hoosiers.

While Connie didn’t promote her personal legacy, the quality of her service makes her a stand-out as a leader worthy of our respect and gratitude.  While she deserves this retirement and more time with her family, I fully expect that she will find new ways to contribute to the Indiana story. It certainly is richer because of Connie Lawson.

Teresa Lubbers

Indiana Commissioner for Higher Education