Shrocks support Cook for Jackson Trustee

Dear Editor:

This letter is to show our support for Robyn Cook for Jackson Twp. Trustee. I am a military veteran and retired Indiana State Police officer (21 years) and retired Arcadia Town Marshal (22 years). My wife is retired from Hamilton Heights High School (37 years).

I also served on the Arcadia Town Council for 10 years, and I was a member of the Town Council when the present Jackson Twp. Trustee suddenly ended the Fire Territory for the residents of Arcadia and Atlanta, claiming there were insufficient funds. The trustee then found enough funds to give herself a $12,000 pay raise.

Having worked collaboratively with Robyn Cook on council issues in the past, I am fully confident she will bring experience and trust to our community as the Jackson Twp. Trustee.

Glen and Sherry Shrock
