Shout out to the heroes in long-term care facilities


Alright, back to being serious. Today I’m giving a shout out to the heroes in long-term care facilities – specifically, my mother’s.

For privacy reasons, I’ve never written my mom’s name or that of her facility. I will continue this practice. However, I’ll be sure to print out today’s column and send it to the facility director to share with everyone there.

It seems like we constantly hear about another long-term care facility that’s been hit by COVID-19. Reading these headlines makes my heart stop and bring tears to my eyes.

However, my mother’s facility has been safe so far. Yes, I’m knocking on wood as I write this.

I can’t thank the director and each and every employee enough for all they do in ordinary times, so I know this will be pittance during this time of battling a pandemic. But I’m going to try.

To the cleaning staff working harder than ever to sanitize and make everything sparkle – I thank you. You work hard enough, but to add more weapons to your arsenal for attacking germs and to wear a mask while using them has got to be tough.

To the food service folks who had to deliver meals three times a day vs. serve residents in the dining room – I thank you. I’m sure you were tired enough before the pandemic. I can imagine you’re exhausted now. I appreciate you giving residents the nutrition they need to stay healthy.

To the activities folks who have had to become more creative than ever to give my mother and other residents fun, safe things to do each day to keep their spirits high – I thank you. Mom LOVES her hallway bingo!

To the maintenance staff members who run around putting out fires (in some cases, literally!) and are probably encountering more issues thanks to COVID – I thank you. You all know Mom a little too well by now, but you’re still kind and patient.

To the administrative staff – the business and marketing directors and the receptionists who have to hop up and down more than ever to screen people coming into the facility – I thank you. I know you keep things running and do more behind the scenes than we can ever imagine.

To the medical staff, from the CNAs, to nurses, to the director of nursing, to the physical therapists – I thank you. You are being incredibly vigilant to protect the ones we love. You’re also keeping them moving which helps them stay strong.

Finally, to the facility director – I thank you. We’ve chatted from a distance during this harrowing time. You’re the best director I’ve seen since Mom moved there four years ago. I know you lose sleep constantly. Your shoulders must ache from carrying this burden. Your decisions may be met with more grumbling than appreciation. Even I groaned when I saw your email saying I now need to have a negative COVID-19 test before I can come visit my mother.

But then I remembered the fourth paragraph of this column. Your efforts and leadership have kept everyone safe. My heart flooded again with gratitude.

To everyone at mom’s facility – I pray that you find some peace, rest and joy this coming holiday season. You are heroes in my book.