In January, Deputy Eddie Hansen and Sergeant Kevin Crask were dispatched to check the welfare of a Hamilton County citizen. Upon arrival, Deputy Hansen contacted the distressed individual, who was also armed with a rifle and struggling with suicidal ideation.
Deputy Hansen gave successful verbal instructions to deescalate the situation. Dep. Hansen negotiated for several minutes to gain compliance and eliminate the use of a weapon.


Subsequently, the incident ended peacefully because of the courageous actions of Dep. Hansen and Sgt. Crask. Despite the tense and uncertain nature of this call, no injuries occurred.
“Dep. Hansen displayed some of the most amazing communication skills and compassion I have seen in this profession,” Sgt. Crask said. “Dep. Hansen routinely goes above and beyond to help people, and this was yet another display of his dedication to Hamilton County and its residents.”
Sheriff Dennis Quakenbush said, “I could not be more proud to work alongside Dep. Hansen and Sgt. Crask every day.”
Quakenbush attributes this positive outcome directly to the bold personal attributes of his employees, but also to the extensive mental health training and Crisis Intervention Training that has become mandatory for all Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office employees.