Sheriff’s Department Press Release

Hamilton County Sheriff’s Department press release dated April 30 . . .

On April 29, 2018, the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office opened an investigation into missing campaign signs owned by Hamilton County Councilman Steve Schwartz. Schwartz reported campaign signs missing from the northwest corner of 211th Street and Oak Bay Drive. He further advised that signs in that location have come up missing on at least six (6) separate occasion with an estimate of 45 signs removed during recent weeks.

Councilman Schwartz advised investigators he placed a camera at the location during the most recent incident. Photos of a female suspect removing signs have been turned over to investigators as part of the case. Investigators are working to determine the identity of the suspect.

While it is still early in the investigation there are several issues for detectives to consider before determining what, if any, criminal or civil charges might be presented to the Prosecutor’s Office. Among these are a determination of whether signs were on public right-of-way or private property and, if on private property, who granted permission to place signs in the leased farm field.

On Monday afternoon, April 30, investigators confirmed the identity of the photographed person as Lisa Hall. Detectives met with Ms. Hall and she has been cooperative in the investigation.

At this time, Investigators are working to determine who has property rights to the location in question and who has permission to place and or remove signs from the location in an effort to determine if any criminal activity has occurred.