This Christmas, the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) wanted to let the residents of Hamilton County in on a little secret about Sheriff Dennis Quakenbush: The Sheriff and Santa Claus have known each other for many years. When the Sheriff took his oath of office, he also vowed to always help Santa care for the local community.
Santa recognized there was a special need in the community because of the strain 2020 caused on families. Due to this, Santa called upon Sheriff Quakenbush and the men and women of the Sheriff’s Office and asked them for a huge favor.
The solution was simple. The Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office Community Foundation, Hamilton County Youth Assistance and Santa joined forces to provide toys, clothing and food for local families this holiday season.
The gifts were wrapped, stockings were stuffed, and everything was sorted with the help of the Sheriff’s staff, who said it was a pleasure to serve as Santa’s honorary elves this holiday season.
This past Saturday and Sunday, Santa, Sheriff Quakenbush and HCSO staff filled their police cars with gifts. The reindeer took the weekend off, but the Sheriff’s staff certainly did not. The holly jolly team helped deliver the care packages to 42 children throughout Hamilton County. Beautiful red and blue lights filled the night sky to provide peace all around.
The Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office wishes everyone a safe holiday season and a happy new year.

Photo provided by Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office