On Saturday morning, dozens of people turned out for Shine Up Sheridan, a community program to clean up the parks and streets of the town.
This project should help get Sheridan recognized as an Indiana CLEAN Community.
According to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, the Indiana Comprehensive Local Environmental Action Network (CLEAN) is a free voluntary Community Challenge recognition program that recognizes and rewards Indiana cities, towns and counties for proactively managing environmental impacts associated with governmental operations. IDEM’s Challenge to be a CLEAN Community is helping communities achieve goals to make Indiana a cleaner, healthier place to live.
Gloria Del Greco from Purdue Extension told The Reporter, “At the Sheridan Change Coalition we’ve been talking about getting Sheridan recognized. We picked today and are getting things spruced up because in two weeks Main Street is going to be finishing the process of planting flowers downtown. We wanted to get a head start on that because you can’t do it all at once. We decided to help Main Street by getting some people out and really getting the community involved.”
According to Del Greco, Shine Up Sheridan partnered with Young’s Kitchen, who is giving a 15 percent discount to every participant who helped.
“This is a way to bring some pride to the community and get some recognition,” Del Greco said.
Babe Ruth Coach George Reners and his baseball team come out Saturday to help this event turn into a huge success.
“This town gives so much to us,” Reners said. “We wanted to come in and give something back to the community.”
The Reporter also caught up with Hamilton County Commissioner Mark Heirbrandt while he was helping clean up State Road 47 in Sheridan.
“I’m proud of what this coalition has done already to bring this community together and be proud of what we have here,” Hamilton County Commissioner Mark Heirbrandt said while he was helping Shine Up Sheridan.