Sheridan Rec Board wants cheerleaders

Members of the Sheridan Rec Board Cheerleading Committee recently held a meeting at the Sheridan Public Library. (Seated, from left) Melissa Stultz, Carli Harle and Megan Chandler. (Standing, from left) Heather Trietsch, Crystal Inman, Lindsey Martin and Kala Morris. (Photo provided)

Sheridan Community Recreation – also knowns as the Rec Board – has a special committee of ladies who is busy trying to find a few young people to participate in cheerleading during the upcoming school year. Focusing right now on football season, the committee is also looking ahead to basketball season, too.

Encouraging young people to participate in sports events, including being a cheerleader, is important to their early development. Sheridan is blessed to have an organization like the Sheridan Rec Board which over the years has built a solid reputation for caring about the youth and promoting cheerleading and other sports events as wholesome activities.

If you know of a pre-school through fifth-grade youngster who would like to learn about cheerleading and participate at some of the Rec Board’s games, please contact Heather Trietsch ( and indicate your interest. Heather and her committee members will follow up with you and make sure your youngster has an opportunity to participate. But you better hurry because cheer teams are forming right now.