Sheridan reader: They will stop at nothing

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Dear Editor:

In the beginning, I knew it was not true.

Yet, the populace – including myself – followed along and fell in line. The line was long and it resembled the bread lines in Russia. I rushed out before the mask mandate and purchased what I could find and gave to family and friends. When the lockdowns became a reality, anxiety set in. What if …?

I noticed large-box corporate stores were allowed to stay open, but the small business person had to shut down. The public was told to stay away from family and friends and the youth had a hard time with this proposal. Family members in assisted living and nursing homes were quarantined away from their family members. Those who did not survive died alone. This opened my eyes as to what was really happening.

It was a control against our personal liberties.

Then, oh, joy, the long-awaited vaccines were available to save the inhabitants of the planet. Many rushed for the jab thinking this will help get us back to normal. We all craved for “back to normal.”

Ever since the vaccination timeline, many recipients experienced serious side effects such as infertility in women, miscarriages, myocarditis, pericarditis, pulmonary embolisms and blood clots everywhere in the body, swollen lymph nodes, swollen testicles, an increase of cancers, blood clots and strokes, hemorrhagic strokes, dementias and strokes and blood clots in young people, too.

Our young people aged 12 and above have taken the shot and now it is available for children 5 through 11. Please parents, don’t vaccinate your young children. These shots are still experimental and no one knows the long-term effects.

Will the baby boomers and the older generation who chose not to take the shot outlive their offspring?

Mari Briggs


2 Comments on "Sheridan reader: They will stop at nothing"

  1. Mr. Jellison ; really ? Disinformation & medical advice.
    Where does the Reporters desire for content end & a sense of community responsibility on the part of the publisher begin ?

    • Frank — The Reporter’s policy is to publish Letters to the Editor so long as they don’t contain threats against a particular person. The Reporter welcomes any and all readers to send in their own opinions on whatever topic interests them. The Reporter looks forward to your letter, Frank. As always, thanks for reading!

      P.S. Feel free to send your letter to

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