Sheridan reader suggests reduced speed limits during Noblesville Farmers Market, applauds restriction of protests

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Dear Editor:

I visited the Noblesville Farmers Market several times last year and was pleased with the variety of products sold and the positivity of the vendors.

One concern is the close availability of parking and walking across any main thoroughfare to get to the market. I would suggest putting standup signs within Logan Street on market day with a reduced speed limit for the safety of everyone during market hours. The electronic signal at State Road 19 should also be controlled to move the traffic out quicker – backed up cars waiting for the signal to change causes congestion within the area.

I read the 2022 rules of the Noblesville Farmers Market, and they are quite extensive. What really stood out was under “Additional Rules.”

Bullet point number four made a very clear statement about not allowing protesting within the market. It states, “Protesting is not permitted within Federal Hill Commons during the Noblesville Farmers Market. Market staff will ask any persons violating these prohibitions to relocate.” What is offered are “free speech areas,” which included other parking areas.

As a shopper I don’t want to see or hear any protesters! So, hooray to the Market Manager, its staff and board of directors! I appreciate them taking a strong stand protecting the vendors and visitors to the market from unruly disruptions.

If you are not aware, last year the city of Bloomington had to shut down for two consecutive weeks in their farmers market because they most likely did not have any written rule that protected the vendors and the visitors from outside disruptions. Do you realize the cost this caused to the vendors selling fresh produce and the other vendors who lost money because of self-centered protesters?

Finally, we have someone in Hamilton County pushing back against unruliness!

Mari Briggs
