Sheridan reader calls upon Westfield superintendent to rescind mask mandate

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Dear Editor:

I attended Westfield Washington’s school board meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 17. From my estimation, there were over 100 people there, the majority being parents. As with all of the school board meetings in Hamilton County and the Indianapolis area, parents are stepping up and voicing their opinions about wearing masks and disputing some added unwanted curriculum being added to classes.

The president of the school board meeting informed the audience that the business meeting would be completed to its adjournment and the audience would be able to share their opinions about face masks and the Covid in a new start up meeting.

Superintendent Kaiser opened the meeting and chalked an example of the Health Department’s suggestion on the seating of students and comparing the ratio of vaccinated and unvaccinated, masked and unmasked students, and discussed contact tracing and quarantining of any sick students and those in close proximity.

Here is what the parents had to say:

  • Masks don’t work because the fibrous holes are larger than the virus itself.
  • Wearing a mask for seven or eight hours creates a warm, moist environment where bacteria begin to grow, thus making all humans sick.
  • Forcing the wearing of masks and distancing students creates anxiety.
  • Young students cannot see the enunciation of words from a teacher whose mouth is covered.
  • Kids need to be allowed to be kids and be near each other.
  • Children cannot pass on the virus to adults as their immune systems are more advanced.
  • One family had the Covid and it was not as bad as previous colds.
  • The percentage of mental health has risen three-fold since the Covid arrived.
  • Parents know their children more than any medical entity on earth and the solutions of fighting the Covid – which is really just another flu – from the CDC, the health departments and our government are a disaster.

Westfield parents are smart and know the facts. They care about their children and want the best for them, but when the news came out when Superintendent Kaiser changed the rule of mandated masks, two little girls from two separate families cried when their parents told them the rule had changed. One child said, let’s move to another school where we don’t have to wear masks.

Superintendent Kaiser, please rescind your mask mandate and become a hero and stop the spread of the cancer of the mandated mask wearing.

Mari Briggs


6 Comments on "Sheridan reader calls upon Westfield superintendent to rescind mask mandate"

  1. Ellen DeTemple | August 21, 2021 at 7:21 pm |

    This is absolutely correct and any superintendent should be familiar with the Maslows Heirarchy of Needs for Children. This virus and numbers of positive need to be questioned immediately by someone competent and without an agenda. What method of positive are we using to implement these draconian measures? Ireland did a test on masks and for the last time the are harmful and do NOT work!

  2. Enrollment in the Westfield Washington’s 9 schools is over eight thousand students.
    It would appear there’s little to no parental outrage over the matter as evidenced by the turnout.
    Thats reserved for the very vocal minority who are evidently terrified of a piece of cloth & want all to know it.

  3. Mari Briggs | August 22, 2021 at 9:05 am |


    More than likely there are more Westfield parents who support not forcing the mask unto their children for seven or more hours a day. I most likely misjudged the number of persons at the meeting because there was an overflow outside of the main room. Also there were more qualified reasons expressed from the speakers about not wearing of the masks but the ones listed are a pointed sample to not wear them. Masks are inefficient and don’t do the job. Wearing of masks is just a control of obedience on all of us and there is Federal money involved for the schools who enforce the wearing of masks.

  4. Control? Really? Masks arent perfect but saying they don’t work is not true. Just try and be part of a solution so we can move on. I don’t want to keep wearing a mask either. But because of this ignorance and selfcentered mentality, I will continue to wear mine even longer.

  5. Trust the Plan.

  6. David R Sochar | August 25, 2021 at 3:27 pm |

    Unbelievable! Why all the politicizing of a simple action? Briggs’ step by step reasoning is not based on reason or science at all. Rather, it is based upon a misconstrued view of leadership by a deposed politician that had to be shown on a map where China was in early meetings on the subject!
    Certainly Briggs et al do not pick and choose which advice they want to hear from their medical providers. How about deciding which laws they will obey? Nope.
    There does appear to be some fear of a simple piece of cloth as one wrote. And add in the “control of obedience” and Federal money and instead of those Commie bastards taking over, you have a model that is repeated in our Democracy over and over. Federal Highways standards – comply, or no money for more roads. Federal Hospital and Health care provider standards? Comply, or else. Federally endorsed food safety? Don’t want it because it robs you of your freedom? Go ahead, ignore those standards.
    As a fifty year protester of almost all things government, I can tell you that Covid is not a legitimate ‘fight”. Civil Rights, Women’s Rights, Peace, Education, Equality, White Collar Crime, Gerrymandering – all are far more deserving of a fight than a Covid mask.
    Please join in the effort to erase this threat. Your reluctance to do so has already caused the length of mask wearing time to double – twice now. Does your behavior cause me to have to adjust my behavior? Does that interfere with MY rights?

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