Sheridan Library gaining STEAM, adding discovery

The STEAM bulletin board at the Sheridan Library. (Photo provided)

STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) programs are all the rage these days in schools and libraries. Not to be outdone, the Sheridan Public Library has its own version.

The library’s year-long STEAM program is geared toward kindergarten through fifth grade students. Each quarter there will be a live Discovery Event program presented to participants aimed toward one particular aspect of STEAM. At 7 p.m. on Thursday, June 13, STEAM members will explore space and astronomy by being involved in hands-on learning exercises and experiments as well as instructor demonstrations.

To participate in the program, youngsters must join the STEAM club by signing up at the library. Registration is free and includes two take-home space/astronomy experimental kits. Youngsters can sign up for the program anytime, including at the door on Thursday evening, and receive their take-home kits.

STEAM programs are planned for each quarter of the next year. The next quarterly program scheduled for September will feature topics related to oceanography. The third quarterly topic will be chemistry, and the last quarter’s topic will be construction engineering. Each topic will include take-home kits for fun learning on your own.

You do not have to have a library card to be a STEAM member and the program is free. Parents are encouraged to attend as well. The library is located at 103 W. First St. in beautiful uptown Sheridan.