Sheridan Library crosses county line for students

Marion Township Trustee Mike Morgan (center) hands Sheridan Public Library Vice-President Jill Cali (right) the check for the first years’ service. Shown at left is Sheridan Library Interim Director Kim Riley. (Photo provided)

At the Sheridan Public Library Board meeting on Monday, an agreement was reached between the library and Marion Township Trustee Mike Morgan to provide library services to students in Sheridan Community Schools (SCS) who reside in Marion Township in Boone County.

The library will make its system available for SCS students living in Marion Township in the same manner and to the same extent as if they were residents or real property taxpayers of its library district by making use of subscription cards. The township will pay the Sheridan Public Library a fee of $1,000 per year.

Student cards are only to be used by the student. Additional cards may be purchased at the expense of the township resident or real property taxpayer.

Upon applying for or renewing a student card, the student or parent must provide proof of enrollment at SCS. Report cards, Power School, or a letter from the school can be used as proof of enrollment. Proof of residency of Marion Township must also be shown.

Library Interim Director Kim Riley said, “We are all looking forward to this relationship with the Marion Township board and hope to see many of their student residents enjoying all the services of the Sheridan Public Library. A special thanks to Mike Morgan, township trustee, for reaching out to us to secure this service for his student residents.”