Sheridan Horseshoe League results

The Sheridan Horseshoe League hosted an open tournament sponsored by Ashpaugh Electric. Ashpaugh was very generous and donated extra money to the winner’s pot.
Pitchers from central Indiana came and pitched with the league using the count all handicap scoring. The league paid out the top three pitchers from that day. Noblesville’s own Bryan Wilbur took first while starting the day pitching hot. In second place was Sheridan’s Susan Dwigans, who had a great day and came back after a sluggish Game 1. In third place was also a Sheridan native, Greg Emery. He pitched a solid tournament and was firing on all cylinders.
Meanwhile in league weekly results, the second half of the season started and placements from the first half have changed. Price Heating has taken first place with the help of Mitch Dwigans, who had the best actual series. In second place is Deem Electric, who took eight out of 10 games with Mike Milcoff leading the night with an actual game of 71. Carry on Main has come back despite starting slow in the first half; it took 6.5 out of 10 games. Doug McKinney helped his team out with the best handicap game of 132. The pitchers are ready to fight for top team in the league and everyone is excited.

Mike Milcoff 71
Greg Emery 70

Doug McKinney 132
Michael Milcoff 130

Mitch Dwigans 203
Greg Emery 198
Mike Milcoff 195

Jeff Ogle 367
Doug McKinney 363
Sam Gibbons 360