Sheridan Horseshoe League: Price Heating returns to the lead, JBS United moves to 2nd

Since the Sheridan Horseshoe League was rained out a couple of times, the members had to play catch up this week.
Instead of the league’s normal 10-win night, it played a couple of 10 win-nights. Price Heating recaptured the league lead by winning 18 of the 20. JBS United moved into second by winning 16 of 20, eight of which were against Traditional Concepts, knocking them out of first place and into third.
Jeff Ogle had his best night of the season tossing, an actual game of 81 and a handicap game of 140. Richard Law and Brad McKinney lead JBS United into the second spot. First-half season winners Price Heating must win four games next week to take the league championship without the needing of a playoff.

Second Round Team Standings
            Won Lost  Points
Price Heating 42 18 8413
JBS United 39 21 8321
Traditional Concepts  34 26  8230
Carey on Main 25 35 8028
Asphaugh Electric 20.5 39.5 8069
Deem  19.5 40.5 8028

Individual Leaders
Actual Game Score
Richard Law 99
Greg Emry 87
Jeff Ogle 81

Actual Series Score
Richard Law  272
Greg Emry 236
Mike Milcoff 213

Handicap Game Score
Jeff Ogle 140
Greg Emry 138
Richard Law 135

Handicap Series Score
Greg Emry 389
Richard Law 380
Jeff Ogle  378