Sheridan High School’s new boys basketball coach has big shoes to fill

(From left) David Sanders, newly appointed Sheridan basketball coach Tod Windlan, John Holmes and Jim Godby pose with a cutout of legendary former Sheridan High School basketball coach Larry Hobbs. Sanders, Homes and Godby were members of the 1960 Sheridan High School basketball team that defeated Noblesville to win a sectional championship. Hamilton County Reporter sports columnist Chuck Godby writes about newly appointed varsity basketball coach Tod Windlan's first visit to Downtown Sheridan below. (Photo provided by Chuck Godby)


For The Reporter

In all his years crisscrossing the state of Indiana as an athlete, coach and father supporting his two daughters and son in their athletic endeavors, it seems Tod Windlan had never been to Downtown Sheridan.

That changed Tuesday evening when the town’s new high school boys basketball coach found his way to Main Street – needing directions, of course – and met up with three former Blackhawks at the town’s blossoming Historical Society Museum.

It was a meet and greet for Windlan and Jim Godby, David Sanders and John Holmes, members of Sheridan’s 1960 Carmel Sectional championship team, which had stunned highly-rated Noblesville on its way to the title.

It was a game that still makes old Noblesville fans snarl, and some old Sheridan fans still claim it the greatest win in any sport in Sheridan’s athletic history.

The highlight of the evening was touring the museum’s vintage basketball history display that features legendary Hall of Fame coach Larry Hobbs. Whether the new coach, who took Hamilton Heights’ girls to a state championship game, can duplicate the same success remains to be seen. But the three former players seemed impressed with the new coach’s attitude.

1960 Sheridan High School basketball standout, Jim Godby (right), gave newly appointed varsity basketball coach, Tod Windlan (left), a tour of the Sheridan Historical Society Museum, which included a display honoring legendary Sheridan basketball coach Larry Hobbs. (Photo provided by Chuck Godby)

“I believe a team is a reflection of its coach and I’m going to bring that drive every day,” he told them. “You’re going to see that from my players.”

“I’m bringing my team here to see this,” he said as he gazed at numerous photos and displays of Sheridan’s basketball glory days from the late 1940s to 1960. “This is all about winning and they need to see this.”

Windlan is well aware of where the high school gymnasium is, and he’s met most of his players. There have been some workouts, too.

“The attitudes have been good,” he said. “They’re open to what we’re trying to do. Right now, they’re exhausted.”

Godby, Sanders and Holmes expressed concern that football might still dominate the small school, but Windlan promised to make basketball relevant again.

“In 49 states basketball’s just a game, but this is Indiana,” he smiled.