Sheridan Boxley Lecture features a new twist this year

If you have lived in Sheridan for any length of time, you know there is a restored log cabin in Veterans Park which is the original home of Sheridan’s founding father, George Boxley.

As a tribute to Sheridan’s founder and his efforts to free enslaved people in Virginia in the early 1800s, the Sheridan Historical Society began the annual Boxley Lecture Series program in February 2007, working with its community partners – Sheridan Community Schools and the Sheridan Public Library.

Each year the Society brings a reenactor to Sheridan to portray a famous American character. In years past, there have been reenactors of Frederick Douglas, Teddy Roosevelt, Amelia Earhart, Buffalo Bill Cody, Betsy Ross, Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Harrison and other such famous Americans. All have been well received by the Sheridan community.

This year, the Society is taking a different approach. The star of the program this year is Old Glory – the American Flag. The presenter will be Duane Ott and he will tell the audience real stories and events associated with the actual creation of the first flag. People attending the program will learn more about the early American spirit, the story of our country’s flag and the national anthem. His presentation will include replicas of 24 historical flags and their significance in the country’s history.

Mr. Ott’s public program will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 21 in the Joyce Cline Auditorium at Sheridan Middle School. The hour-long program is free. If bad weather forces cancellation, the program will be delayed to one week later on Feb. 28, same time and same location.

The Sheridan Historical Society, Sheridan Community Schools and the Sheridan Public Library invite you to take time from your busy schedule to attend this interesting program as part of a salute to Sheridan’s founding father George Boxley.