Sheridan basketball coach Larry Hobbs’ grandsons to visit Historical Society Museum

Mark your calendar for Saturday, March 5 to visit with John and Jeff Hobbs, grandsons of Sheridan’s renowned basketball coach of the 1950s, Larry Hobbs.

John is the son of coach Hobbs’ younger son Joe, and Jeff is the son of older son Harry. Joe and Harry, of course, both played for their father when they were students at Sheridan in the 1950s.

The Sheridan Historical Society will hold an open house at the museum from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for community members to come and meet John and Jeff. The grandsons want to hear stories about their grandfather and are looking forward to meeting his former players, as well as students, and listening to their stories. Lest we forget, in addition to being a great coach, Larry Hobbs was also the school principal for years, so there are plenty of non-athletic stories to be told, too. They want to hear all your tales about their Grandpa Larry.

In November 2021, the Sheridan High School basketball team visited the exhibit. Click here to read that story.

Both grandsons are interested in what the Sheridan Historical Society has done to honor the era their grandfather coached here, and they are looking forward to meeting as many of the players, cheerleaders, and students as possible and hearing lots of stories. John and Jeff will arrive at the Society’s Museum at 315 S. Main St. at 10 a.m. Refreshments and snacks will be available.

The Sheridan Historical Society hopes everyone with a connection to Larry Hobbs will plan to attend and share your story with John and Jeff. Thanks to help and donations from the Hobbs Era players and cheerleaders, the Historical Society has put together a great exhibit as a salute to the Hobbs Era teams, so if you have not seen it yet, you are in for a real treat.